Monthly Link Love

May-pril Link Love

Beautiful in His Time is a participant in multiple affiliate marketing programs. The author of this blog may receive commission for purchases or clicks made through links on this website.

I never used to understand it when bloggers would say, “I just don’t read that many blogs.” I wanted to say, “HOW RUDE! You are a blogger, you know how important it is to have people read YOUR words but you won’t take the time to read the words of others?”

And now…here I am. Between my quest for mental and spiritual #whitespace and doing media month in my 7 Bible Study, I have cut back so much on all blog reading! Now days – sometimes weeks – go by and I haven’t even logged into my blog reader.

And now, I get it.

Because sometimes, you just really need a break. Now, I am so appreciative when bloggers take “blogging breaks” because it gives me a lot less to catch up on.

I only posted six posts in April. SIX! I haven’t blogged that infrequently since June of 2012 and I’m totally okay with it.

So, my word of advice to bloggers out there:

Bloggers: sometimes the best thing we can do for our readers is stop trying so hard, producing so much for them to ingest. Give them space. You’re not a content machine. You are a person. Don’t forget to live your life.

But now, some posts that I did read in the last ahem…month (ish)…that I felt were worth sharing:

link love

He Called Me Beautiful, So I Cleaned the Basement
Earlier that morning, my sweet hubby stretched beyond his comfort zone to speak my love language. I realized at that moment that I needed to sacrifice my own agenda to speak back—in the language he knew best.

So You Think You’re Pro-Life
If you are truly pro-life. If you really want to fight for those precious babies, you should also fight for their mamas.

No More Knocking Myself Out!
So, I am done with the rat race to be a top blogger.

I’m Celebrating Mother’s Day for the 1st Time…
I started telling people, “If I ever adopt, I’ll choose a 20-year-old.”

have i told you about my love–hate relationship with facebook?
And when it comes to building your brand on Facebook, you should stop thinking like a brand, and focus on thinking like a person.

Easter Reflections 1: Not an Idol
If what we have is a real, living breathing relationship, then worship, I think, is going to look slightly different for each of us.

The Real Jesus. Part 2: When Wounds Take You So Low, You Can Only Look Up
Whether all is well or all seems lost, we’re all born into an unfixable life. We can’t help it.


  • Katie @ Wonderfully Made

    “Bloggers: sometimes the best thing we can do for our readers is stop trying so hard, producing so much for them to ingest. Give them space. You’re not a content machine. You are a person. Don’t forget to live your life.” Can I get an amen? 🙂 Great encouragement and advice. And I’m looking forward to reading some of these links!

  • Mandi Smith

    Thanks for sharing those links…..oh, I felt so bad last night when as I was slowly walking down the stairs with baby in my arms trying to not go down them to fast since he was tensing up his body with each step I made when I suddenly I missed a step and fell, scaring my poor little son!! Thankfully neither one of us got badly hurt….but I felt so bad later when he was trying to go to sleep and every time he jerked in his sleep he woke up crying lie he was scared…..some days I just don’t feel like a good enough Mom for him……

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