#mommyproblems: the Christmas edition (with bonuses from Instagram!)
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The struggle is real. Because motherhood knows no holidays, sick days, nor days off. If anything, holidays like Christmas mean MORE work for moms. These tweets prove it.
#mommyproblems: the Christmas edition
Is it crazy to wrap the Christmas presents for a 9 month old that you’re just going to unwrap yourself on Christmas?! ???#MommyProblems
— Teaching in Pink (@_PinkTeacher) December 17, 2016
#DearSanta, please work your Christmas magic. Make it so my baby will sleep through the night. #talesfromthemiddleofthenight #mommyproblems
— Kelly (@kmacik) December 18, 2016
How does one have time to even shop online with a toddler?? #MommyProblems
— V (@ImQbanBee) December 18, 2016
Laundry and unwrapped gifts are piling up #momlife #motherhood #workingmom #mommyproblems
— Peggy Wan (@pegsterwan) December 20, 2016
You know you’re a parent when you rate your day based on how many times you’ve threatened to call santa #Parenthood #mommyproblems
— Fat Bottomed Mama (@FBM_Elena) December 20, 2016
You know Santa is watching you to see if you are naughty or nice
5YO: Where are the cameras?
Crickets #Parenthood #mommyproblems
— Foodie Mama (@cglaeser106) December 21, 2016
Laundry… because it’s my last chance to see what clothes I have before all the Christmas shenanigans begin. #momlife #mommyproblems
— ? LJ ? (@LaurajaneBarber) December 21, 2016
It’s a Christmas miracle! Husband and I just watched a WHOLE movie together. Start to finish. #momlife #mommyproblems #mommydiaries
— Lisa Winstanley (@LWinstanley13) December 22, 2016
Current status? Hiding. In the bathroom. From my kids. How am I going to survive Christmas break?? #mommyproblems #momofboys #momlife
— Meredith Vitucci (@EarthMamaMayhem) December 22, 2016
@Six_Pack_Mom I put 6 different pjs in my cart to see which one had 12/24 arrive date. Gotta do what you gotta do. #mommyproblems
— Marian Williams (@wyguymom) December 23, 2016
People who recommend no screen time for kids under 2 have never been on a road trip with kids under 2… #truestory #mommyproblems
— Sheryl Beth Silvers (@sb_silvers) December 24, 2016
Bonus posts from Instagram:
A photo posted by Laraine (@laraine_twinfit) on
A photo posted by Anne Marie (@longlashsecret) on
And, I saved the best for last:
A photo posted by T a r a • J u l i a n n e (@tara.julianne) on