Ezra,  Family,  Motherhood

In which I can’t even read a four letter word…or is it five? {five minute friday}

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Today I am participating in a weekly feature on lisajobaker.com called Five Minute Fridays. Bloggers are given a writing prompt (topic) and told to write for *five minutes. “No *editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.” Today’s topic was “Dive.”



Drive Ezra to the doctor at 10am.

5:15 am. He woke up crying and his temperature was 103.4. I was scared, but incredibly thankful for Motrin and the fact that I had made him an appointment yesterday when he started coming down with the same symptoms I’ve been having for close to a week now.

These were the thoughts running through my head in the split second that I checked my “blogs to read” folder to see the 5 minute friday prompt for today. I had this whole post planned out when I went to check it again and realized that the topic was “dive,” not “drive.”

Seriously? Dive? I have no desire to blog about diving! Driving my kid to the doctor? yeah that’s the stuff blogs are made of.

My brain just totally went blank and I’m not sure what else to say. This is just proof that sick mommies with sick babies really have mental problems. Because I read a 4 letter word as a 5 letter word and now am grumpy that it’s not a 5 letter word.

I’m pretty desperate and weary. Which is a perfect time to put a shoutout about some great books I’m reading, Hope for the Weary Mom and Desperate.

Cuz that’s me.


I think this alarm is going to go off any second…. um… okay. I quit because my brainwaves are just dead.


This is me, two days ago, on day #4 of the flu.

I may or may not be wearing the same sweatshirt and pajama pants this morning.

desperate mom

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