Beautiful in His Time is a personal blog detailing one family’s pursuit of finding God’s beauty in their often messy life.

Our little family has been touched by many challenges – including the hardships of military life, the heartbreak of mental illness, and the uphill climb of struggling faith. Our theme verse is Ecclesiastes 3:11, which says, “He hath made all things beautiful in his time.” We believe that God is not done writing our story, but rather is making something beautiful out of our mess.

It is our hope that our story encourages you to also pursue God and look for his beauty in your messy life.

“Motherhood is made up of a million tiny moments for worship.”
Risen Motherhood: Gospel Hope for Everyday Moments
Emily Jensen & Laura Wifler
“A strong marriage requires two people who choose to love each other even on those days when they struggle to like each other.” 
Dave Willis
“I believe God’s plans for me are good. Therefore, I commit today that I will never give up on my family, and I will never give up on God’s ability to move in their hearts. With His help, I will take the next step of faith even when I feel I can’t, because He is the God of miracles.”
Hope for the Weary Mom
by Stacey Thacker & Brooke McGlothlin
Being a special needs parent means celebrating strengths, chooseing to believe there is sun behind the clouds, and never ever giving up.
“True self-care is not salt baths and chocolate cake; it is making the choice to build a life you don’t need to regularly escape from.”
Brianna Wiest
“We’re not teaching curriculum. We’re not teaching plans. We’re teaching our kids. Our kids are humans and humans are unpredictable and messy. Sometimes they’re hilarious. Sometimes they’re maddening. They’re always more important than whatever we’ve planned out for our homeschool day.”
Sarah Mackenzie – Read-Aloud Revival Podcast