Thoughts about homecoming…
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Today is April 1st…
When most people think of April 1st, they think of April fools. But my first thoughts of April 1st are that it is the first day of a new month, which means only 2-3 months til my husband comes home from Afghanistan!
Homecoming has got to be the most wonderful part of the deployment. I’ve been excited about homecoming since Russ left, but the excitement doubled when I hit January. Now that I’m only a few months away, I’m just about ready to burst with excitement. Homecoming is a time full of exciting emotions, yet full of apprehension…
Apprehension? Whatever for?
Well, partially because I can be, at times, a chronic worrier. But, imagine having not seen your husband for a year, and you’d be a bit nervous too! We wives want things to be perfect! But in the back of our minds we know they will never be. We want to get excited and dream and imagine how wonderful it will be, but we also know the realism that adjusting from living alone and running the household to having your husband back in your life all the time is not without stress and conflict. The soldiers coming home from war can also go through many “reintegration” difficulties.
I have to admit, though, my excitement is greatly overpowering my apprehension at the moment. 🙂
I already have a list of things I need to do…like cleaning the baseboards, washing the curtains and linens, and cleaning out the refridgerator (not that he would notice anyway!); a list of things to buy…like a new outfit, a new hat for Russ, and a new set of the highest thread-count sheets I can find (if you see a good deal please let me know!); a list of FOOD to buy (yes this is different then the “things” list)…like rootbeer, macaroni and cheese, and English muffins; and of course the “personal” list like getting a manicure, pedicure, and a hair trim….
…and on and on my lists go. I have to make lists or I forget things.
I’ve already been shopping for a few months. I bought a huge very soft bath towel for the hubby (if you’ve ever seen the dinky rough brown military towels you will know why!), some DVDs that he likes, a new pair of black dress shoes…I figure I have to spread it out for the bank’s sake.
Today I bought my homecoming outfit…well the dress at least. I think women focus most on the “what do I wear when I first see him again?” question than just about any other thing. I’m so happy with it! It’s positively perfect!
Did I mention I’m excited?!??!