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ENJOY BY JAN 06 2012
It was just a little phrase stamped across the top of the jug of apple cider that I pulled out of the fridge – but it caught my attention.
Enjoy – who says that? I mean usually it says Sell by or Use by. But enjoy by?
And I stopped. And took a sip from the glass I had poured. And I enjoyed it. Really truly and thoroughly enjoyed it.
Those words didn’t just make me think about cider. I thought about my entire existence in the flash of about 30 seconds. I feel like I am reminded of this lesson at least once a month. I hear it in songs like Don’t Blink by Kenny Chessney, It Won’t Be Like This For Long by Darius Rucker, and Start Livin (That’s the Next Thing On My List) by Toby Keith. I’m reminded in blog posts (like the one I’m writing). And yet still I rush from one thing to the next, always looking forward to the NEXT thing. Christmas. The end of this deployment. The next baby. Ezra starting school. And so many times I just forget to simply ENJOY this life I’m living.
Earlier today (before the glass of cider), I sat in the chair in my kitchen and just watched Ezra eat.
Then later on in the afternoon I sat on the couch and watched him play. I wasn’t checking my phone. I didn’t get up when I heard the email notification “ding” from across the room. I simply sat…and enjoyed. And I thought to myself, “Why don’t I do this more?”
So I remind you, again… stop. Set down the phone and the computer. And the to do lists. And just ENJOY your life.
Because there’s an expiration date. Life doesn’t last forever. Your kids won’t be babies for long. Your parents won’t be in your life forever. Hold tight to the ones you love. And enjoy them.
And take a second and enjoy that cider too!