May-pril Link Love
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I never used to understand it when bloggers would say, “I just don’t read that many blogs.” I wanted to say, “HOW RUDE! You are a blogger, you know how important it is to have people read YOUR words but you won’t take the time to read the words of others?”
And now…here I am. Between my quest for mental and spiritual #whitespace and doing media month in my 7 Bible Study, I have cut back so much on all blog reading! Now days – sometimes weeks – go by and I haven’t even logged into my blog reader.
And now, I get it.
Because sometimes, you just really need a break. Now, I am so appreciative when bloggers take “blogging breaks” because it gives me a lot less to catch up on.
I only posted six posts in April. SIX! I haven’t blogged that infrequently since June of 2012 and I’m totally okay with it.
So, my word of advice to bloggers out there:
Bloggers: sometimes the best thing we can do for our readers is stop trying so hard, producing so much for them to ingest. Give them space. You’re not a content machine. You are a person. Don’t forget to live your life.
But now, some posts that I did read in the last ahem…month (ish)…that I felt were worth sharing:
He Called Me Beautiful, So I Cleaned the Basement
Earlier that morning, my sweet hubby stretched beyond his comfort zone to speak my love language. I realized at that moment that I needed to sacrifice my own agenda to speak back—in the language he knew best.
So You Think You’re Pro-Life
If you are truly pro-life. If you really want to fight for those precious babies, you should also fight for their mamas.
No More Knocking Myself Out!
So, I am done with the rat race to be a top blogger.
I’m Celebrating Mother’s Day for the 1st Time…
I started telling people, “If I ever adopt, I’ll choose a 20-year-old.”
have i told you about my love–hate relationship with facebook?
And when it comes to building your brand on Facebook, you should stop thinking like a brand, and focus on thinking like a person.
Easter Reflections 1: Not an Idol
If what we have is a real, living breathing relationship, then worship, I think, is going to look slightly different for each of us.
The Real Jesus. Part 2: When Wounds Take You So Low, You Can Only Look Up
Whether all is well or all seems lost, we’re all born into an unfixable life. We can’t help it.

Dan King
Thanks SO much for including my post about Facebook in this list! I’m honored that you found it to be share-worthy! #fistbump
You’re welcome! It’s a great post.
Katie @ Wonderfully Made
“Bloggers: sometimes the best thing we can do for our readers is stop trying so hard, producing so much for them to ingest. Give them space. You’re not a content machine. You are a person. Don’t forget to live your life.” Can I get an amen? 🙂 Great encouragement and advice. And I’m looking forward to reading some of these links!
Mandi Smith
Thanks for sharing those links…..oh, I felt so bad last night when as I was slowly walking down the stairs with baby in my arms trying to not go down them to fast since he was tensing up his body with each step I made when I suddenly I missed a step and fell, scaring my poor little son!! Thankfully neither one of us got badly hurt….but I felt so bad later when he was trying to go to sleep and every time he jerked in his sleep he woke up crying lie he was scared…..some days I just don’t feel like a good enough Mom for him……
I’m sure you are a great mom!!
Becky Kopitzke
Awww…thanks so much for sharing my post here, Aprille! Blessings to you!
You are so welcome! It was a great post. The love language thing is SO IMPORTANT in marriage!