Monthly Link Love

June Link Love

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Welcome to Monthly Link Love, where I share some goodies from other bloggers around the internets. Several of these posts really made me think – and I hope they will stir up your mind too!

June Link Love


The Wild Mysterious
If you try to make everyone understand, you will stand still all your life. Lay down your desire to have everyone’s approval. It’s the hardest and most freeing thing you’ll ever do.

Dear Mom on the iPhone: You’re Doing Fine.
You’ve been watching your kids–All day. And now, at the park, when they can run around and play, you’re taking a few minutes for yourself on your phone.

Being a Mom Means Keeping them Safe. Or At Least Knowing All the Risks. Right?
My granny says that “Moms these days have it so easy.” But we’ve replaced the physical labor with a kind of fevered anxiety about how to keep our children safe and get them to adulthood in the best shape possible that leaves us weary before we even start.

Society can never acknowledge that we lost a baby and with the same breath declare the rest to be tissue.

I’ve got your lifestyle blog right here
I’m worried that there are just too many internet destinations selling an idealized version of motherhood that no one can live up to. Because motherhood is beautiful, but it’s also messy.


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