September Link Love
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That time when I share goodies from all over the internet for your reading pleasure…enjoy!
To all sleep-deprived parents… {awesome video parody}
Pen > Paper > Heart: Letter to a C-Section Mom
How to Keep a Pumpkin From Rotting
What your Child’s Teacher Wants you to Know at the Beginning of the School Year
5 Ways You’re Drinking Coffee Wrong by BuzzFeed Video
21 Photos That Depict True Modern Fatherhood
When Your Heart Says More Babies….But your Spouse says No. Part 1: The Ache
Everytime I see a baby. When I hold a baby. Or look at pictures of our kids as babies. The ache comes. Eyes tear up. And I wish. I hope. I ache.
7 Secrets of Motherhood
Pinterest has one simple message for mothers: You’re not doing nearly as much as you should. It snuck into our lives masquerading as a useful resource. It hypnotized us with images of brownies baked on top of Reeses cups and then blindsided us with a list of crafts we will never complete. We need to destroy it. With fire.
5 Lingering Effects of Fundamentalism
Surprising to many is that recovering from fundamentalism is not a simple journey. Healing is a far more complex path than what most of us anticipate. I think that’s because fundamentalism affects the deepest part of who we are, our souls.
Learning to Be Human
When Christians bypass how magnificent it truly is to be human, they are announcing to the world that God doesn’t really like us as we are.
My Faith Is Failing
Clinging to grace amidst messy brokenness is evidence of holy work happening inside us.
Jesus spoke of being divine AND human. He wanted humankind to know that, contrary to the view of religion, the two were not in opposition to each other.
3 Fads that are Killing Your Joy
Our kids need grace so much more than they need organic vegetables. If we’re not giving ourselves grace, how can we pass it on to them?