January 2015 Link Love
Beautiful in His Time is a participant in multiple affiliate marketing programs. The author of this blog may receive commission for purchases or clicks made through links on this website.
Why hello blog! I almost forgot about you!
No really, January has pretty much been the antithesis of whitespace for me. My days have been filled with touring preschools, multiple meetings at Ezra’s therapy program, other random appointments (like to see the midwife and the doula), a weekend visit from my parents, squeezing in yoga class and swimming, and all the general life-stuff that needs done.
When I haven’t been doing all of that, I’ve been so exhausted from the whole GROWING A TINY HUMAN thing that my down time has been spent with copious amounts of Netflix, watching Flashpoint (the entire show…in about three weeks) and the last few seasons of Alias. The thought of blog work has been less than appealing to me these days, and that’s okay.
Coming soon(ish) to the blog, I plan to write a baby update with some bump pictures (because, yes, I already have a bump…a big one) as well as a Beauty in the Mess post. That and continue updating all of my archives to fix all the broken images that remain after going self-hosted. Fun. (not)
In the mean time, here’s January Link Love, your monthly dose of great reads from around the internet.
Ten Misconceptions About Military Families
As the divide between military families and civilians grows, here are some things non-military folks should understand.
5 things kids need… before they’re ready to sound out words
But did you know that kids need to know quite a few things about reading before we should teach them to sound out words?
How I Felt About My Miscarriage {And Why I’m Not Going to Feel Ashamed}
Your response to the loss of your child is your response. Your response to your miscarriage isn’t political, it’s personal.
5 Words to Cultivate a Culture of Life
Step into the shoes of a young mother with an unwanted pregnancy for a moment and you’ll realize that no choice is an easy choice.
Confession: I’m a skeptic.
For a while, my skepticism scared me. I was afraid my questioning somehow made me less of a Christian. But, the more I read about Jesus, the more comfort I have…
When Recovery is Slow and Invisible
But the wonder and the miracle is that I am learning how to care less about impressing you. I am changing on the inside and you may never know how much. And the fact that I don’t care if you know how much? Well that’s a victory all on its own.
What You Don’t Know About that Unruly Child
You don’t know that his parents struggle daily with walking the fine line of being sympathetic that their child has a verifiable disorder, but at the same time knowing they must require adherence to rules and expectations, and teach him how to fit into a society that has zero patience for people like him.
The Likely Cause of Addiction Has Been Discovered, and It Is Not What You Think
So the opposite of addiction is not sobriety. It is human connection.
My Pregnancy Brain Is Full of Voices and They’re All Really Hungry
I just want a steady tide of all the foods, emerging from some kind of conveyor belt dream machine of my desires.

One Comment
Thanks for the link love!