It Gets Better {A Special Needs Kid Grows Up}
The biggest reason I felt the need to reshare this post was to share just how far our kid has come...we have come. I felt the need to tell other mamas of kids…
Black Sails Adventure Company: Pirate Fun for Families in Oak Island, NC
Pirates, Plunder, and Adventures! Our family's review of Black Sails Adventure Company in Oak Island, North Carolina
Colonial Williamsburg: Our Northern Star ~ Learning from History
Williamsburg has become a "northern star" for me. Williamsburg brings out the best parts of my child. These interpreters who have poured into the life of my child, even in such short encounters,…
10 baby items I’m still using 10 years later
As of tomorrow, I'll officially have a 10-year-old on my hands. Instead of giving you an emotional tribute to 10 years of motherhood, I thought I'd do something fun, as well as practical.…
You know you’re thirty when… (thoughts on the start of a new decade)
The day that I turned thirty, I think I expected to feel different. But, the day came and went and I still felt like a kid playing house. I didn’t really feel thirty.…
30 {more} things you probably don’t know about me
In honor of turning 30, I’m sharing 30 things my readers might not know about me. I did this four years ago, when I turned 26 (you can read that post here), so…
Star Wars Birthday Party: Family Style
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… our family had three male birthdays in the course of sixteen days and we decided to celebrate the occasions with a big FAMILY-SIZED…
An open letter to my blue-eyed baby on his first birthday
Hi Baby. You don’t really understand, but today is your FIRST BIRTHDAY. We made it! And of course, we are celebrating in style by waking up at 5 AM! Little Brother, you have…
Gifts for Young or New Moms (Fun and Inspirational)
Are you in need of the PERFECT gift for a mom in your life? Maybe you are a husband whose wife has a birthday coming up. Maybe Mother’s Day snuck up on you…
Beauty in the Mess ~ Edition 02.25.15
I’m beginning to love February about as much as I love January…which isn’t all that much. In the last week and a half, we have had one holiday, three snow days, and three…