Pregnancy Update ~ 15 weeks
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How far along? 15 weeks, 2 days
Due Date: September 1, 2010
Baby’s heart-rate: 140s-150s
Next appointment and 3D Ultrasound: March 29th
How I’m feeling: Still really depends on the day. Have a lot of aches, pains, gas, backpain, and indigestion that have been making life a bit uncomfortable right now. Hormones have seemed to be settling down a bit and I’m a little bit more emotionally stable…but then they will randomly flare up, and I’ll have an off day.
Morning sickness? I still feel slightly nauseated first thing in the morning…but it is easily staved off by a starlight mint, and once I eat I feel better. Then again, my random hormone flareups cause me to throw up at random times too.
Cravings: Lemonade and Chef Boyardee pizza.
Baby: I’ve been feeling little flutters in my tummy this week. At first they were so faint I wasn’t sure, but I’m convinced it’s real now!
Tummy update: See below…picture was actually taken at 14 1/2 weeks.