What I Wore ~ Christmas Past
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Today I’m jumping back into the Wives of Faith Blog Carnival. Day 8.
Todays topic is this: What is your favorite piece of Christmas attire? Please post a photo, if possible!
When it comes to clothes, my favorites change from year to year, season to season. Not to mention the whole massive-weight-gain-then-weight-loss thing that I’ve had going on the past few years. So instead of trying to pin down a favorite, I’m going to just share what I have worn the past few Christmases. Which is kind of neat because most of the time the Christmas season is so busy that I don’t do much blogging until January and end up skipping blogging about Christmas entirely. So even though these pictures are “old,” I’ve never posted them on my blog before!
Here’s Christmas 2007, when Russ surprised me by coming to visit for Christmas. The funny thing is that I still have this sweater, and it still finally fits (again). AND Russ bought it for me…no…he actually picked it out for me on one of the first times we ever went shopping together. It was kind of different from my style at the time! I don’t wear it too often because I wore it so much the first year or two I owned it, but yes, it’s still in my closet!
Christmas 2008…Russ was deployed. So I went up to visit my family. We were to have a nice family dinner the night I got there, but my brother had to leave the next day. So we opened presents after our nice dinner that night:
The next day I went casual…Russ only had to see me from the top up anyway, if at all (here we are instant messaging). So I wore a nice sweater…and sweatpants:
Christmas 2009 I went a bit dressier…I wanted to look beautiful when I announced my pregnancy to my family. This skirt was a favorite that I got at Burlington for $20. Russ loved it. But it didn’t fit for very long, so I got rid of it. I wonder if it would fit now…drat…
Christmas 2010 we really didn’t have Christmas on Christmas day due to my husband’s impending deployment. We did celebrate early with my in-laws. Here I’m actually wearing the same sweater that I wore in 2008…although it doesn’t fit nearly as well. It stretched quite a bit.
Christmas 2011 we had multiple Christmas celebrations. Again, my in-laws came a few weeks before Christmas to celebrate with Ezra and I:
Then I went up to be with my family in Chicago. With four siblings and a set of grandparents all coming in at different times, it was pretty much a big Christmas party that lasted several days.
Christmas Eve Day:
Here’s a closeup of that shirt:
Christmas Eve, getting ready to go out to the Candlelight Service, pictured with my sister-in-law:
Christmas Day morning, after church, with my mom and Grandma:
“Christmas Day” December 26th, when we finally opened all those presents:
So what will I wear this year? I don’t have much of a clue. I thought about buying a new outfit, but then I saw this at Target:
A new “trendy-cute” Christmas scarf is cheaper than a new sweater or top that may-or-may-not not fit me in the future years to come. So I bought it. It can be worn with pink (pictured here), green, white, tan, or the right shade of red. I might just end up wearing it the whole month of December…
I also bought these in the dollar bins at Target. To remind me to choose joy:
Now…this post would be incomplete if I didn’t mention my favorite Christmas pajamas. This is a horrible picture, but it’s really hard to take a picture of clothes that are plastered to your legs almost every day:
I got these pajamas in 2007, the year I started dating my husband, just before his visit at Thanksgiving. So there are a lot of nice memories attached to these pajamas.
Christmas cuddles, 2007:
I outgrew the top a long time ago…but the pants are like those magical sisterhood-of the-travelling-pants pants. Somehow they just always fit. And I wear them all. the. time. Even in the summer. They are the most comfortable pair of pajama pants I own, and I will probably wear them for another 10 years, or until they fall apart, whichever comes first.

Love the socks and the BELIEVE shirt.
Awesome! I adore the scarf—a necessity in cold weather!
Debi @ Adorned From Above
Hi Aprille,
I love the scarf. Thanks so much for sharing at Wednesday’s Adorned From Above Blog Hop.
This weeks party is live. Here is the link to the party
Debi @ Adorned From Above
Joye and Myrna @ The Busy Bee’s
Linda @ With A Blast