Family,  Five Minute Fridays,  Motherhood

Cherished: choosing to cherish the hard motherhood moments

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Of the 23 lullaby CDs that we own that could be in the CD player this week…it’s this one. It’s ironic really. It’s the only one that has the word “cherished” in the title.


Even though I’ve listened to these songs this week while rocking, nursing, and patting my sick child to sleep…the moments have felt anything but cherished.

Exhausting? Yes.

Sacrificial? Yes.

What I have to do as a mom? Yes.

Just the way it is? Yes.

But cherished? No…not really.

When at least one member of your family has been sick for the last two weeks it’s really hard to cherish them…to want to cherish the time you have together.

Most of the time I have just been surviving…not cherishing.

So today, now that things are on the mend…I’m going to do my best to cherish.

To watch Thomas with my son in my lap instead of using the time to check Facebook.

To stop and notice the son filtering in the window onto my husband’s beautiful face as he eats his morning oatmeal. And to pull out the nice camera so I can cherish those memories forever.

I will cherish them, one moment at a time. And they will be cherished.


This post is a part of a weekly feature on called Five Minute Fridays. Bloggers are given a writing prompt (topic) and told to write for *five minutes. “No *editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.” Today’s topic is “Cherished.”



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  • Emily Okaty Wilson

    I remember being a mother of young children – it can be exhausting, but it is such a short season of our life. Sometimes the best thing to do is just to focus on each moment of the day. Your son is lucky to have you – and although it doesn’t seem like it right now, there will come a time that even those moments of exhaustion, sickness, frustration, etc. will be moments cherished because they were shared with your child. Hugs.

  • Colline

    Indeed they will be because there will be a time when they will no longer want to sit on your lap and watch television with you, or need you when they are feeling poorly.

  • Emilee Roberts

    I can definitely relate to those feelings! It can be hard to cherish those moments through the exhaustion. Sometimes I have to stop and pray and ask God to open my eyes to see past the exhaustion so I CAN remember what a blessing it is even when it’s hard.

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