Finding "Home" in 2013,  Five Minute Fridays

Here {Five Minute Friday}

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Today I am participating in a weekly feature on called Five Minute Fridays. Bloggers are given a writing prompt (topic) and told to write for *five minutes. “No *editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.” Today’s topic is “Here.”



I’m here, in my new hometown. I have the keys to my new home on my key ring. I’ve checked my new mailbox twice. I’m here.

I’ve been making excuses to visit my apartment. Today’s excuse was lining the shelves in the kitchen. I ran out of shelf paper, which means I have to go back. And when I’m there, I’m glad to be there.


I’m glad to be here. 

I’ve gotten a library card, and checked out the Whole Foods, the Target, the Barnes and Noble. It all makes me feel more at home.


I’m thankful to be here. Thankful that we don’t have to stay in a hotel during this time of waiting for our household goods to arrive. Thankful to be with family in a spacious home with space for us while we wait.

I’m thankful for the location of our new home, for the stores close-by, the highway.

I’m excited for the opportunities here. The choices are so overwhelming at times, the plethora of churches, stores, groups to join. I’m not used to having so many options, but I’ll adjust.

Soon, “here” will become “home.” I just have to give it time.

So for now, I’m just enjoying “appajuice picnics” on my empty porch, making excuses to stop by an empty apartment, and driving around a town that is slowly becoming familiar.


I’m so glad and thankful to be here.


(*photos edited and added after my five minutes were up)

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