Ezra,  Finding "Home" in 2013,  Miscellaneous,  The Preschool Years

One month home

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As of today, we have lived in our new home for exactly one month, and have been here in our new hometown just a few days beyond that.

In so many ways our life in Kentucky…our Army life…seems like a different lifetime ago. It feels like we have been here forever.

And other times it seems like it was just a few days ago that we were moving in.

It’s been a busy month…full of unpacking, getting out, and jumping into new things. I have close to 50 photos to share with all of you readers, so am going to try to catch up over the course of the next three (or so) posts over the next week or so.

So, here’s some of the things that have kept us busy:

Visiting LOTS of new parks.

01 park time

02 park time

03 park time

Getting a library card, visiting the library, and checking out the park next to the library:

04 park time library

Taking walks around our apartment complex. Here is Ezra in our “backyard.”

05 backyard time

Unsuccessfully trying to teach Ezra to ride his bike:

06 riding his bike

Visiting a new church that we like so far:

(this picture was taken our first Sunday evening there)

07 new church

Spending a LOT of time at this park, which is within a 5 minute’s drive from our apartment:

08 more park time

Making new friends at the indoor play area at the mall:

09 mall time

And having jumping competitions with them:

10 mall time

We’ve been enduring a lot of difficult days with Ezra, as he has had some issues with tantrums. I think the chaos of moving finally caught up with him. There’s been a lot of crying, fits, refusing to eat and pushing other kids. I just keep telling myself that “this too shall pass.”

This is what happens every time we leave the park:

12 tantrums

We watched Day of the Diesels three times a day for about three weeks straight:

13 day of the diesels

14 day of the diesels

Aside from the parks and the mall, we’ve also gone to Barnes and Noble a few times. On this particular day Ezra peed all over the floor. I was mortified, but I think it was good for him because we haven’t had an accident in public since!!!

15 barnes and noble

Ezra got to have his first sleepover at Gramma and Grampa’s house so Mommy and Daddy could have some romantic time time to themselves to watch Doctor Who all evening, go to bed early, sleep in, and get ready for church in peace.

15 first sleepover

I’ve been slowly trying to get pictures on the walls.

The first step was selecting and ordering new photos for all of my frames! I was ready for a change.

16 picture selection

Ezra and I attempted to go to a free concert with Citizen Way and Mike’s Chair at the mall. I got Ezra to sit through the first two songs, but then he wanted to run off and go play. It was still nice while it lasted!

17 citizen way concert

18 citizen way concert

We have also joined a MOPS group, a MOMS (Mothers of Many Seasons) group, and a Women of the Word (WOW) Bible study at three separate churches–and made about a dozen new Facebook friends as a result. We have done a lot of grocery shopping, helped my mother-in-law plant her garden, gone hiking at a local state park, jumped in some mud puddles, swung on swings in the rain, found a new chiropractor, and gone to a bloggers’ get together! Like I said, we have been BUSY!!!

There will be many more pictures to come later on this week!

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