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Guest post for Brightpeak Financial {takeaways from #Allume}

Beautiful in His Time is a participant in multiple affiliate marketing programs. The author of this blog may receive commission for purchases or clicks made through links on this website.

I stopped by their table on my way to the prayer room.

I stopped for the free t-shirt. My roommate had gotten one and I wanted one like hers. True story.


After receiving my t-shirt, they asked me if I had a taboo financial topic that I could #shedsomelight on. I could enter my idea into a drawing for a guest post spot on their website.

“Does taking a 50% paycut count?” I joked.

They urged me to fill out a form and put it into the basket.  So I did, not thinking much about it at all. (Conference adrenaline anyone?)

About an hour later I was sitting in the prayer room when the Tweet came in:

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I immediately panicked and wondered what I had gotten myself into. I’ve never guest posted on any site I wasn’t highly familiar with already, and I never dreamed about posting about anything so far out of my niche like finances! I knew absolutely nothing about Brightpeak Financial and I felt so guilty that they would honor me with a spot on their blog.

So I scoured their website to understand their vision and brand, in hopes that anything I would post there would complement their mission statement.

Here are some things that Brightpeak is about, as stated on their website:

We exist solely to help young Christian families experience life’s journey with strength and generosity.

We’re a new division of Thrivent Financial, a faith-based, not-for-profit founded more than a century ago. Everything we do is aimed at helping families and communities thrive and become more resilient.

Our goal is to help you make the most of your money and prepare for unexpected life events.

It’s not always comfortable to talk about money, but we aim to make it simple with solutions that are both easy to understand and affordable.

I love what they are about, especially as they describe it here. Especially in how it relates to the topic I chose to use for my guest post.

I’d like to share how my husband and I have dealt with the drastic reduction in our income over the last year. It is my hope that this topic would benefit people in any financial situation to prepare for the unexpected and manage their money better.

Head over to Brightpeak to read “How to Make a 50% Pay-Cut Work.”

Thank you, Brightpeak for honoring me with this opportunity to guest-post for you – and (of course!) for the free t-shirt!


To read more about my Allume experience, please check out my conference landing page:

takeaways from allume

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