Beauty in the Mess {Thanksgiving Edition ~ Part 1}
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Wow. I really really try to do these posts every month. But between Allume and life…well…it just didn’t happen in October!
Thursday is Thanksgiving and I can’t think of a better time to “catch up” on sharing my many many blessings. We don’t have any big holiday plans other than a simple dinner with our local family – my husband has to work both Thanksgiving and Christmas so that’s a bummer, but it’s nice to not have to travel anywhere!
I’m going to have to split this into two posts – one for my October blessings and one for November. So make sure to come back tomorrow!
Can I just start by saying how thankful I am to have both a good camera and a camera phone? Seriously! How blessed are we to be able to have camera phones? One of my favorite things about living in this generation of modern technology!
Plus…it helps to be able to capture moments like these. Snap first. Rescue good camera from its precarious position in the hands of a three-year-old second.
We didn’t do much in the way of fall festivities this year. Not really sure why…it just didn’t happen. (Where did October go again? Oh right…Allume.)
But, back in September, we did visit a “pumpkin patch” three miles the road. (As in, trucked in pumpkins sitting in a field in the middle of town.) Where we took these adorable pictures:
Ezra was so excited that he got to be “a farmer.”
Our takeaways…the candy corn was for me, the way? I never really cared for candy corn until this year. This year I ended up eating that whole thing within a week… weird.
Then a few days later we got to paint our pumpkins. I tried to stencil hearts on mine (the bigger one) but Ezra took his paintbrush and ruined them. It still turned out pretty.
Now, onto some other blessings. Like, how “lucky” are we to have men taking down a tree and put it through the chipper in our “front yard” on a day when Ezra was sick and we couldn’t go anywhere? Totally a God thing and helped us pass 30 minutes of our otherwise cabin-feverish day!
(Notice how he’s playing with his hair…I’m coming back to that…)
I’m thankful for a silly boy who has a thing for putting socks on his hands:
I’m thankful for this BEAUTIFUL October sky I was able to capture one evening:
I’m so thankful to discover that Rob’s Red Mill gluten free flour does NOT have rice in it! Which means…chocolate chip muffins for me without getting sick!!
I’m thankful that after Allume, I got to spend breakfast with my brother and his wife who live just a few minutes away from the hotel. It was so nice to see them and visit!
I’m thankful for getting to go downtown on an unseasonably warm October monday with my husband and my son to have lunch with Grandma and walk around the city! And for this boy who now has decided that he must stick his tongue out every time we take a selfie.
I mentioned in this post how the food at Allume was amazing and I am pretty sure I mentioned the chive cream cheese? Because if I didn’t, it was divine. And eating that dish at Allume with the ham and chives has made me craving omelets. This has been my dinner many nights since: omelet with ham, cheese, and onion – topped with sour cream. The. Best.
So, I’m thankful for eggs and omelets and cheese and onions and ham and sour cream! (But I’m not very fond of Trader Joe’s sour cream – too tangy. Once mine is used up I’m switching back to Breakstones or Daisy! Still. I’m thankful that I have sour cream at all!)
I’m thankful for the comfort that is brought to my son through his hair. He has been playing with his hair since he was about 2 weeks old. It’s so sweet, even if his hair looks permanently like this:
Come back tomorrow when I’ll be sharing blessings from this month!