Face to Face: A Messy Tribute to the Place I First Met God
If you have ever been on my blog before, you probably know that I feel like I have a complicated “faith story.” (If you are new to my blog, you might want to…
How God Led Us to Our Church Home & 6 Reasons We’ve Stayed
It was two years ago today, on July 19, 2015, that we stepped into Grace Bible Church for the first time. I remember the date quite vividly because it was a series of…
Stepping Stones to Grace: There Are No Wasted Church Experiences
In my last post, I talked about Church XYZ – a church we thought would be our church home, but ended up being a less-than-ideal fit for our family. I think that I…
Stained Glass Masquerade: 6 Reasons We Left Our Church
To continue on telling the story of how a recovering legalist moves forward in faith, I must share the steps (and missteps) that our family taken in regard to church. What I will…
Grace for the angry recovering legalist: this is where the healing begins
In 2013, I spent 2 1/2 months pouring my hurt and angry heart out on screen, bleeding through the painful 7-year history spanning from the time I left for college at the age…
Grace: How a Recovering Legalist Moves Forward in Faith
A few weeks ago a fellow faith blogger asked me to write a guest blog for her some time about my faith journey. “I’m particularly interested in your journey to finding Jesus…how grace has…
The hardest thing about being a special needs mom
Some days you feel like a rock star special needs mom. You have your crap together. You are having breakthroughs. You feel hope because of this medication, that therapy, or that service. Maybe…
My Broken Hallelujah: Thoughts on the Last Day of Kindergarten
It was 2014 and I was (once again) driving to the Christian preschool my son was attending to deal with a disciplinary issue. Once again taking time out of my respite because he…
If your kid leaves the van door hanging open… (a messy #momlife tale)
If your kid leaves the van door hanging open… You better believe that it will downpour later on. If it downpours later on, you will rush outside to close the door in your…
Gifts for Special Education Teachers and Therapists (75+ UNIQUE IDEAS!)
The end of the school year is upon us. As we look back on all our kids have accomplished, it is so apropos to select thoughtful gifts for the amazing people who made…