Life Is Beautiful
It is of the small joys and little pleasures that the greatest of our days are built. Mary Anne Radmacher January and February have been very full months for our family. Full of…
Last night we got to drive up to Springfield, Ohio to see one of my best friends, Maggie, graduate from high school…one of “those friends” who I met via the internet. This was…
thanks mom
I have to just tell the world how thankful I am for my mom and how much she has done for me. Countless emails, phonecalls, and IM conversations discussing everything from diapers to…
What I Don’t Take For Granted This Christmas
WIVES OF FAITH 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS BLOG CARNIVAL DAY 12. 1. The first thing I don’t take for granted this year is God’s amazing love…I know it may sound a bit trite,…
What Christmas Means To Me
I share this painful dialogue because I believe that understanding my “history with Christmas” is essential for my readers to truly understand what Christmas means to me.
I’m thankful for him… Russ and I had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We took a very short trip down to visit his family in North Carolina. We spent Thanksgiving Day with “the family” doing…