Allume 2013

“…for the time would fail me to tell of…” {takeaways from #allume}

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I’ve done a lot of talking and sharing about Allume.

At this point, I’m about talked out. There’s so much more that I could say. But I’ve run out of time and words and I’m ready to move on.

So, in this concluding post, I’m going to share a smattering of pictures, mostly just so all of the beautiful people I got to spend time with don’t feel left out.

I’ll start with Zohary Ross, whom I got the pleasure of driving from the Charlotte airport down to Greenville! Meeting an Allume veteran before I even stepped foot inside the hotel really helped me relax…AND I got to introduce her to ChickFilA – because, apparently they don’t have those in her part of California!

"...for the time would fail me to tell of..." {takeaways from #allume}

This is 3 out of the 4 people in our room. Jamie, Whitney, and I on our way to the newbie meetup on our first evening there!

"...for the time would fail me to tell of..." {takeaways from #allume}

I got to have breakfast with two of my favorite authors (of Hope for the Weary Mom), Stacey Thacker and Brooke McGlothlin!

"...for the time would fail me to tell of..." {takeaways from #allume}

Here I am with Vanessa – as we both got ready to read our open mic posts! (You can watch mine here!)

"...for the time would fail me to tell of..." {takeaways from #allume}

I was walking across the lobby when I saw her – I had seen her several times but somehow, my brain thought she was someone else. (I’m blaming the mommy brain!) Until I saw her nametag! Jamie C. Martin – another one of my favorite authors and bloggers!! I grabbed her and rambled off a bunch of unintelligible stuff, but I was so glad to meet her nonetheless!

"...for the time would fail me to tell of..." {takeaways from #allume}

I have the feeling that if this girl and I could spend more time together, we could get into a LOT of trouble. Kayla Aimee is amazing, her blog is hilarious, and I’m pretty sure that her daughter is my son’s soulmate. I wish we had got to spend more time together, but we tried to make the few moments we did spend together count!

"...for the time would fail me to tell of..." {takeaways from #allume}

"...for the time would fail me to tell of..." {takeaways from #allume}

"...for the time would fail me to tell of..." {takeaways from #allume}

Crystal Stine and Tonya – two ladies that I also wish I could have spent more time with. It was so great to talk to them both, even for a few moments, and I’m pretty sure that Tonya was the very first person who hugged me when I arrived.

"...for the time would fail me to tell of..." {takeaways from #allume}

I so love this picture that the conference photographer took during the session with DC Jacobson. In the front there is Kayla (again), and in the back there I am with my friend and roomie Leah and Jacque Watkins (standing). I have no idea what we were smiling at but I just love how happy we all look!

"...for the time would fail me to tell of..." {takeaways from #allume}

And finally, here is our room, on the last night. Later on that night we stayed up til 1:30am talking and laughing in our room. Unfortunately, the topics of those discussions are classified.

"...for the time would fail me to tell of..." {takeaways from #allume}

"...for the time would fail me to tell of..." {takeaways from #allume}

"...for the time would fail me to tell of..." {takeaways from #allume}

There are so many other wonderful people that I got to meet but didn’t get pictures with. Like Janelle, Debi, Deb, Loretta, Logan, Jen, Shannon, Karilee, Miriam, Molly, Jessica, Jessica, Jessica, Marian, Mandy, KristinLindsey, and so so many more!

All in all, I am so thankful for the opportunity and provision I had in being able to attend Allume. I had an amazing experience and a wonderful time. Here’s hoping (and praying) that we can come up with the finances so I can attend again next year!


To read more about my Allume experience, please check out my conference landing page:

takeaways from allume

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