Pregnancy Update ~ 28 weeks
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It’s been about six weeks since our last update so I figured I should share how our baby is doing. Nothing really has changed except that the baby is growing rapidly and developing quite a personality! Since my last appointment (5 weeks ago), I’ve gained 15 pounds and 8 inches in my tummy! When my midwife told me that the baby enters a huge growth spurt at 28 weeks, my initial reaction was UH OH!!!! How much bigger can it get, right?!?!
The baby is really learning to enjoy Mommy’s tummy! Squirt now has a “favorite spot” as the baby curls up completely into a little ball and stuffs the whole body into my right side. And this baby is STUBBORN! Sometimes we have to push HARD to get the baby to move (as it makes Mom a bit uncomfortable!) What’s even funnier is that after we get the baby to move, probably within just a few minutes, baby is right back! I still feel lots of kicks and rolls, and a lot of time I *think* I feel a little foot or hand, or even the baby’s head, pressing out against my skin. I can often see my tummy “jump” or portions pop out from the little kicks visible to the outside. All this stuff is neat to both Russ and I, and I feel like we are bonding very well with the baby! My pregnancy has definitely hit the more difficult stages. Somehow I entered the 3rd trimester…but I’ve been feeling a lot of discomfort since about 26 weeks. The baby is doing wonderfully, it’s just all the heartburn, rib pain, fatigue, headaches, back pain, swelling, difficulty dealing with the heat, and awkwardness of having a huge tummy that makes life difficult. I’m very ready to have this baby and get into the next phase of our life together! My goals for the next 2 1/2 – 3 months are 1) survival (lol!) and 2) trying hard not to complain too much and keep a positive attitude about it all. My husband has been a WONDERFUL support and very helpful for me during this time. (Backrubs, foot rubs, encouraging me to hydrate, turning on the AC, etc.) I don’t know how I would be making it without him!As far as preparations for baby, right now I’m in the stage of mentally preparing for childbirth and parenthood. All the hands-on stuff like preparing the nursery is done. I’m on to formulating my “birth plan” and researching all of the options that I have for my labor, delivery, and early parenting / baby care. Watching DVDs, reading books, magazine articles, and talking with people online…for me, I believe that knowledge IS power and that the more that I learn, the more prepared I will be and the smoother my labor, delivery, and adjustment phase will go.
The baby is really learning to enjoy Mommy’s tummy! Squirt now has a “favorite spot” as the baby curls up completely into a little ball and stuffs the whole body into my right side. And this baby is STUBBORN! Sometimes we have to push HARD to get the baby to move (as it makes Mom a bit uncomfortable!) What’s even funnier is that after we get the baby to move, probably within just a few minutes, baby is right back! I still feel lots of kicks and rolls, and a lot of time I *think* I feel a little foot or hand, or even the baby’s head, pressing out against my skin. I can often see my tummy “jump” or portions pop out from the little kicks visible to the outside. All this stuff is neat to both Russ and I, and I feel like we are bonding very well with the baby! My pregnancy has definitely hit the more difficult stages. Somehow I entered the 3rd trimester…but I’ve been feeling a lot of discomfort since about 26 weeks. The baby is doing wonderfully, it’s just all the heartburn, rib pain, fatigue, headaches, back pain, swelling, difficulty dealing with the heat, and awkwardness of having a huge tummy that makes life difficult. I’m very ready to have this baby and get into the next phase of our life together! My goals for the next 2 1/2 – 3 months are 1) survival (lol!) and 2) trying hard not to complain too much and keep a positive attitude about it all. My husband has been a WONDERFUL support and very helpful for me during this time. (Backrubs, foot rubs, encouraging me to hydrate, turning on the AC, etc.) I don’t know how I would be making it without him!As far as preparations for baby, right now I’m in the stage of mentally preparing for childbirth and parenthood. All the hands-on stuff like preparing the nursery is done. I’m on to formulating my “birth plan” and researching all of the options that I have for my labor, delivery, and early parenting / baby care. Watching DVDs, reading books, magazine articles, and talking with people online…for me, I believe that knowledge IS power and that the more that I learn, the more prepared I will be and the smoother my labor, delivery, and adjustment phase will go.
All in all, mom and baby are doing very well…we’re just a bit tired! Pray for us as God helps us get through these last 12 weeks.