seven {more} things my #Allume roomies should know about me
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I’m headed to Allume again this year – a blogging conference for Christian women, hosted next month in Greenville, South Carolina.
I’m much more relaxed about it this year – not doing any planning or over-thinking. I’m just going to get a break from life, learn more about blogging, and hang out with other bloggers who really understand what it’s like to be a blogger.
Last year, I shared 10 things that would let my roommates get to know me a bit better {and a vlog}. This year, I’m sharing a few more things with my NEW roommates, Katie from Wonderfully Made, Jennifer from Jennifer’s Life Between, and Wynter from the Made To Mother Project.
1. First of all, (to Wynter and Jennifer), I have to warn you about me and Katie…
Katie first commented on my blog on September 28th of last year. She started following me shortly thereafter. We started emailing back and forth in December and became Facebook friends. In January, we had our first {and last} Google hangout, and then both downloaded Voxer. Since then, we have talked at least 4 days a week, with most weeks talking nearly daily. She’s the best friend I never thought I would ever have. So, I apologize in advance…for all the talking, the matching tshirts, and any time we unintentionally exclude you.
{I’d insert awesome bestie photo here…but, we haven’t met yet}
2. All. The. Hair.
So, I shed. You will probably find my hair on the sink and pretty much everywhere else. I’ll try to clean up after myself, but, with this head, that’s easier said than done. {speaking of hair, it doesn’t look nearly as glamorous as my profile shot all the time}
3. For being an introvert, I do an awful lot of talking.
I about went hoarse the first day of Allume last year. My throat hurt. Not joking. So, if I need to shut up, just tell me. Or go send me to Katie, cuz she’s used to it.
4. Night owl.
Now, I really am not a night owl, but last year at Allume I crawled in bed around 1:30AM every single night. Something about all the awesome parties and late night prayer sessions and amazingness that is Allume. You don’t have to leave the light on, I’ll be bringing a flashlight. And I’ll try to be quiet.
5. Roommates? What roommates?
Last year, I spent about an hour a day in my room. I’m an introvert who lives with two needy extrovert males, so when I get around other women, social butterfly emerges. See also #3 and #4. So, if you see me at a meal, feel free to come sit with me because I still want to get to know you!
6. Beep Beep Beep
I take my basal body waking temperature every morning for fertility awareness. Thus the thermometer on the night stand, the cell phone usage in bed, and the beep beep beep when it’s done. Sorry. Kinda. Not really.
7. I got my smartphone back.
Last year I was toting around a dumb phone and what looked like an iPhone that was actually disabled. Now I’m back to one phone and loving it. I’ll also have my laptop this year! YAYNESS!
So, Katie, Wynter, and Jennifer – now I challenge you to write a post like mine so I can get to know you better before we meet in person. Also, I apologize that I haven’t been able to stalk your blogs as much with everything else going on, so if you could pick ONE post you’d like me to read from your blog that will help me get to know you, post that as well! Can’t wait to meet you all there!

Love this! And challenge accepted….hopefully. I might not be able to post it until the week of or the week before Allume. But I am very much looking forward to meeting you, your hair and your thermometer in person! 😉
I posted this early because of 31 days! I look forward to reading your post!
Katie @ Wonderfully Made
Can’t wait to meet you ladies!! And, Aprille, you crack me up 🙂 Can’t wait to see you in just a few short weeks!
Beth Anne
#6 is cool. I do that too 🙂
❖ LeeAnn Taylor (@leeanngtaylor)
So I just added “flashlight” to my “to bring” list for Allume. Thank you very much!
And I totally will be the one carrying around the pay-as-you-go dumb phone and the disabled iphone3S this year. It’s how I roll right now as we’re trying desperately to get out of debt!
Misty B
Love it! Can’t wait to meet you all in only 9 days!!! EEK!!
Fun!!!! (my favorite part– beep beep beep!) 🙂 Haha!