A Christian Blessingway: Little Brother’s Baby Shower
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I’m not the biggest fan of baby showers. Also, when we were pregnant with our second baby, we didn’t really need much (perks of having two boys and saving everything). I had read about the idea of having a Blessingway or Mother Blessing online and in my Birthing From Within Journal. “Unlike a traditional baby shower, where gifts are purchased for the baby, a Mother Blessing is all about nurturing the mother-to-be and celebrating motherhood.”
Unfortunately, while I liked the IDEA of a Blessingway, I didn’t think belly casting, belly painting, foot washing, bead ceremonies, or anything else like that was really for me.
So I talked it over with some close friends and my mother-in-law and we came up with a plan that was in between a baby shower and a Blessingway. They were going to plan a nice evening for me with my closest local friends, and then I made a plan to pamper myself for the day.
Here’s how it played out:
I dressed up…ish. When you are 33 weeks pregnant, a skirt counts.
I had breakfast at Starbucks, where I listened to yoga music on pandora and worked on a new coloring page.
I went to a scheduled personal counseling session, then had a massage:
That afternoon, after picking Ezra up from summer camp, I took a nice long nap. When I got up I started getting ready for my shower.
Including painting my nails. This polish is five years old, I wore it during Ezra’s pregnancy and labor and again during Little Brothers! It’s aptly named “breathe life,” which made me feel very “birthy.”
While I got ready, I listened to relaxing music and had my affirmations screensaver going on my computer.
Then I was off to my baby shower at my mother-in-law’s house.
Gluten-free cupcakes, as personally requested. {Local people check out Let Me Cake Your Day!}
We had 8 ladies or so, including myself, so it was a small group. There was yummy food and a onesie decorating station. I had requested no games, but I was concerned that it would be awkward because they all knew me, but didn’t know each other. So I came up with an ice breaker activity. I put motherhood-related questions into these eggs (collected from an Easter Egg hunt back in April!) and had everyone answer them in between opening gifts.
You can view the questions that I came up with her: Baby Shower Ice Breaker Questions
My MIL also requested that the ladies who came bring written encouragement notes for me to open after the baby was born, organized by topic such as diaper changes, baby not sleeping, baby crying endlessly, jealous big brother, feeling overwhelmed by housework, etc.
You can totally steal this idea for your baby shower or blessingway by using a printable like this!

She combined them in a beautiful box and I have already started pulling them out and reading them from time to time. I have a few of them taped to my fridge and my wall in the living room.
It was a lovely day and the perfect way to celebrate my pregnancy, motherhood, and the beginnings of Little Brother’s life.
More blessingway ideas:
Baby Shower/Blessingway Gift: Bubakin Birth Bag
Baby shower/blessing way, new Mama Gift- Custom Birth Bag
The Blessingway Blessing Box

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