Millennial Mom Life: why I love being a mom in the internet age
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I talk a lot about the challenges of being a millennial mom. Muddling through motherhood in the internet age isn’t always for the faint of heart. I sport more than one scar on my psyche earned in the “mommy wars,” that’s for sure.
But, it’s not all heartache. Technology truly is a gift.
Here are a few things I LOVE about being a millennial mom.
Online shopping
Amazon Prime has a sweet spot in my heart. I use it regularly for everything from headphones to water bottles to batteries to printer cartridges. Need something and don’t want to brave Walmart? There’s always Amazon – as long as you are willing to wait two days.
However, the REAL game changer (for me at least) has been online grocery shopping. I barely remember life before I could order my groceries for the week from my couch in my bra-less, pajama-bottomed state before I have even finished my morning coffee. I love how my shopping list is right here (as opposed to left at home on the counter). I love how I don’t make impulse buys because I’m shopping with crazy children, or I’m hungry, or both. I love how I can get up and check my cupboard if I can’t remember if I have something in stock or not. This keeps me from ending up with 10 cans of black beans that will take me 10 years to use up. I love how I can just check, check, check down my list; submit; and then pick up on the way home from school without having to take my kids out of the car.
Camera phones and video
I love how I can take pictures of my kids – a hundred pictures a day, if I wanted to! And videos. I love how that capability is never further than my back pocket, whether we are cuddling on the couch or out at the park.
FaceTime and video chat
I’ve been a little slow to get on the Facetime bandwagon, but when my parents finally got iPhones, we began to use Facetime more regularly. I love how my kids can talk to their grandparents on a rare occasion through Facetime (or Facebook live) so that the grandparents can see how they are growing, talking, and changing.
There’s an app for that
I love how there is an app for everything. Weather? Check. Tracking your cycle? Check. Counting calories? Check. Reading or listening to stories? Check. Sending a message to your kids’ doctor? Check. Refilling prescriptions? Check. Depositing a check? um…Check!
Seriously…I know that we millennial moms get a bad rep for always being on our phones. But, I promise you, we aren’t ALWAYS checking Facebook and taking selfies.
Netflix, Prime Video, and YouTube
You know what I love? Paying $10 a month and never having to go to the library for scratched DVDs that most likely won’t play when we get home. I love that quality, educational, and FUN programming for both myself and my boys is just a click away. I love that it’s always there to give me a 20 minute breathing break. I love that when my son is asking questions about how something is made or is scared of a social situation, I can probably find a YouTube video that explains it to him.
Mommy Blogs
I met my best friend through my blog. I have connected with so many people through the internet – blogs, Facebook, groups, message boards. I know that life is still lonely and there are always challenges that come with maintaining relationships over a computer screen. But there’s also doors swinging wide open that provide camaraderie and support, no matter what situation I find myself in.
A merry heart really does good like a medicine. There is just nothing like finding that perfect meme that describes, pokes fun at, explains, or exaggerates the challenges we mommies face.
Want to see some good ones? I’m always sharing funny millennial mom memes over on my Facebook page – and lately have been a meme factory myself!
What would you add to this list?
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