A King James Version (KJV) Audio Bible for Women
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For those new to this blog, perhaps coming from a link you found on Facebook or Pinterest, let me introduce myself: Hi. I’m Aprille. I have Bible issues.
In all seriousness, if you would like some background on my faith story and some of my struggles with “quiet time” or “daily devotions,” you may want to read a few of these posts:
- {Series} Legalism and Grace: How I Left the IFB Movement and Chose Grace
- {Series} Grace: How a Recovering Legalist Moves Forward in Faith
- Bible Journaling: Art Therapy for my Bible Scars
The short version is that after having a crisis of faith in my early twenties, I’ve found my way “back” (albeit slowly) to faith, but still really struggled in actually consuming Scripture, in any form.
Our Pastor has preached so many times about the importance of consuming Scripture, not as a way to check the box and “be a good Christian,” or even to “walk with God.” Rather, he teaches that when we know that “God is like what God has done,” and that when we learn about God through “His self-disclosure” (the Bible), that “God transforms us at the level of thought and desire.”
You may want to muse on that for a few minutes or four years.
I’ve tried to make consuming scripture a “habit of grace” – I even read a book about it…well, started it, but never finished. But it was still just this hurdle I could never seem to get over. I couldn’t figure out how to pursue a relationship with God when I was exhausted and triggered all the time.
Over the last few years, I began to consume a lot of other media in the form of audio. Everything from my college course textbooks to podcasts to a few audiobooks using Audible and Libby. Somewhere in there I realized that *newsflash* I’m an auditory learner, but learn best when I’m listening to whatever I’m consuming while doing other things (driving, folding clothes, playing Toon Blast on my phone, etc.) I still color in Sunday school and church because otherwise I’m thinking about all the things I need to be doing instead of listening. If I get my hands busy, my brain focuses in on what I need to do.
Knowing this I’ve tried a few times to listen to audio Bibles. But this was a struggle.
Most audio Bibles are read by men.
The very few audio Bibles that are read by women tend to be less-than-reliable translations of Scripture. While I have way too many things on my plate to even bring myself to think about the translation debates (not going there), the reality is this:
- My husband wants us to use the King James Version in our home.
- I have LARGE amounts of Scripture memorized in the King James Version, so it really is a “home base” for me, dare I even say a comfort.
King James Version audio Bibles are…a lot. The narrators are acting like they are auditioning for a Shakespeare play. It just sets me on edge.
In November of 2019, I decided to try…again. I got through the entire book of Psalms on the Bible Gateway app. Then I tried to listen to Job (because our pastor preached on Job on Wednesday nights for the better part of a year on Wednesday nights – which we don’t attend – and I wanted to go back to listen to his teaching, and I wanted to get some context). I spent the first five chapters of Job on the Bible app switching back and forth between Max McClean and Paul Mims and “dramatized” (which made this weird ghosty-sounding voice anytime God was speaking). I eventually gave up, because I just couldn’t handle the intonation and inflection. I’m sorry, but it gave me the heebee-jeebees, and that’s not how I want to feel about the Bible.
That’s when it dawned on me that I have an “untapped resource” at my fingertips in my God-fearing mama.
My mom has been reading to me since I was born. Since she lives 12 hours away, she began a few years ago reading audiobooks for my kids and sending them to me in CD format. (We’ve since cut out the middle man and she sends me the MP3 files which I just import to iTunes to stream on our devices.)
So I called her up and asked her to take on the immense endeavor of narrating the first-ever (to my knowledge) King James Version audio Bible read completely by a woman.
She has already completed four books as of February 2, 2020: Genesis, Job, Mark, and Galatians.
It has been SUCH a blessing to me. And not like hashtag-#blessed blessing. Like a true gift to my soul.
And not just my soul, the souls of my kids.
This morning, Ezra was awake about 2 hours earlier than normal, and I was NOT ready to get out of bed. I told him to climb in bed with me, and we listened to the first 9 chapters of Genesis together. Every few verses, he would say, “Pause it!” and ask me questions – little questions…like what words meant…and bigger questions…like why Adam and Eve didn’t die the moment they ate the fruit like God said they would.
That’s when I knew I needed to make this resource available to others.
It’s really nothing fancy. It’s just a Christian woman with a microphone and Audacity making MP3 files and somehow NOT stumbling over words like Mehujael and Methushael.
We are keeping the files on a public Google Drive folder. You can download to your PC, or if you have the Google Drive app, you can listen straight from the app (you have to advance to the next chapter manually).
I’ve created a thumbnail image for the project as well as a thumbnail image for each book. That way if anyone downloads the files and wants to put them in iTunes, they have album artwork.
Click here or click the image below to access the files:
I hope that this helps some people who may be hungry for Scripture, but struggling to start. I know that my mom is praying for me and my family as she narrates these words – I’m sure that those prayers can also be extended to you as well.

Dianna Linville
I love your mom’s voice on the audio Bible. It needs to be published! Thank you for sharing her.
Thank you so much! I’m glad to hear it!