Health, Wellness, & Self Care
What music history can teach us about mental challenges
I’m a week away from being done with my music appreciation class. I have found this class to be highly enjoyable and enlightening. The book has covered the lives of many of the…
- Ezra, Family, Health, Wellness, & Self Care, Little Brother, Messy Faith, Miscellaneous, Personal and Spiritual Ramblings
In which I word vomit about my life
My house is quiet. My mother-in-law has taken Ezra away to get a 3-day head start on our family vacation and Little Brother is sleeping. The only sound is the air conditioning, the…
- Ezra, Family, Health, Wellness, & Self Care, Little Brother, Messy Faith, Motherhood, Personal and Spiritual Ramblings
Formula, FODMAPs, and other “F-ing” things I learned in April
I’ll get to formula and FODMAPS in a second, but before y’all go up in arms at my use of foul language on my faith-based blog, I have to explain: We play this game in…
- Family, Grow in Grace 2016, Health, Wellness, & Self Care, Military and Veteran Life, Personal and Spiritual Ramblings, Recovering Perfectionist, Special Needs Parenting
What my dying plants taught me about self care
I grew up in a house full of plants. My mom has a real knack for tending for houseplants, and it showed in the Fika trees, ivy, African violets, and spider plants that…
- Ezra, Family, Health, Wellness, & Self Care, Little Brother, Messy Faith, Motherhood, Mothering Through Fatigue, Personal and Spiritual Ramblings, Special Needs Parenting
Pursuing self care and asking for help (in which we make some changes)
I will view self care as a priority rather than an indulgence. I will get better at asking for help. With these resolutions, I entered the New Year. I was tired but happy,…
Our ADHD medication success story: how Ritalin changed our lives
I have hesitated in writing this post for a month now. Mostly because I am attempting to be more guarded in what I share about our kids on this blog. But I feel…
Preparing for VBAC: Letting go in the 3rd trimester
I knew going into this pregnancy that one big thing I wanted to be different between this pregnancy and my first pregnancy was that I wanted the third trimester to be much more relaxing. With…
Relaxation apps and CDs to relax during pregnancy and prepare for birth
Deep breathing and relaxation are very important skills to cultivate for life in general, but doubly so when preparing for birth. My first therapist, a LCSW, introduced me to guided imagery relaxation techniques…
Fighting discouragement in pregnancy
As I write this I am one day short of 23 weeks pregnant. Over the past three weeks I’ve felt very discouraged. I’m already dealing with so many pregnancy nuisances – heartburn, rib…
Finding emotional healing from my primary c-section
Written on April 30, 2015 23 Weeks, 1 day Last week I realized that I didn’t remember what the pain felt like. I know it was bad and there was screaming, but it’s…