February 2015 Link Love
Between the snow days, the child-not-sleeping, the pregnancy, and the busyness of doing all. the. things., I’ve been incredibly UNmotivated to do anything blog related. I would apologize but I’m not going to…
Acceptance of snow days {ramblings of an emotionally conflicted ex-northerner}
There’s something about The Automated Phonecall that comes from The School District (that I still have no idea how I got signed up for because my son technically doesn’t go there) that just makes…
What I learned in January 2015
Linking up today with Emily Freeman over at Chatting at the Sky sharing a little bit of January happenings and what I’ve learned this month. Also, because blogging was on my to-do list…
January 2015 Link Love
Why hello blog! I almost forgot about you! No really, January has pretty much been the antithesis of whitespace for me. My days have been filled with touring preschools, multiple meetings at Ezra’s…
December 2014 Link Love
It’s been nearly three months since sharing some link love, so this post is well overdue. This month, I have a whole library of posts on a variety of different topics from other…
September Link Love
That time when I share goodies from all over the internet for your reading pleasure…enjoy! To all sleep-deprived parents… {awesome video parody}
July Link Love
Welcome to Monthly Link Love – in which I share some fabulous finds from the blogosphere!
June Link Love
Welcome to Monthly Link Love, where I share some goodies from other bloggers around the internets. Several of these posts really made me think - and I hope they will stir up your…
A girl and her jeans
I don't know exactly how to put into words how these jeans make me feel...all I know is that they do.