Mothering Through Fatigue
- Health, Wellness, & Self Care, Lifestyle, Messy Faith, Miscellaneous, Motherhood, Mothering Through Fatigue, Personal and Spiritual Ramblings, Special Needs Parenting
Fragments (and why you CAN pour from an empty cup)
When you can't manage one more sleepless night, one more meltdown, one more therapy session, one more exhausting homeschool day...when there's nothing left for you to give... Give of yourself anyway, and watch…
Hormones & Fatigue: Fighting Fatigue by Understanding My Cycle
In my last post, Hormones & Fatigue: Part 1 – My Health & Weight History (and Update), I explained what I have gone through in the last ten years regarding my health, weight loss…
Hormones & Fatigue: Part 1 – My Health & Weight History (and Update)
Structuring my life and health AROUND my hormonal cycle is the only way I succeed at anything. I think I will always struggle with fatigue, anxiety, depression, weight management, and digestive issues. This doesn't…
- Messy Faith, Motherhood, Mothering Through Fatigue, Personal and Spiritual Ramblings, Special Needs Parenting
How do you pursue a relationship with God when you’re exhausted?
Over the last few posts in my series, Grace: How a Recovering Legalist Moves Forward in Faith, I feel that I’ve done the best I can do to present theologically-sound, Scripturally-based truth about pursuing…
- Health, Wellness, & Self Care, Motherhood, Mothering Through Fatigue, Personal and Spiritual Ramblings
Life hacks for introverts: how to structure your day, week, and year
As an introvert, there have been a few real “game-changers” in how I cope in a special-needs household when both my husband and son are extroverts. This is one post in a series…
- Family, Health, Wellness, & Self Care, Motherhood, Mothering Through Fatigue, Personal and Spiritual Ramblings, Special Needs Parenting
How Tired Moms Can Find Sabbath Rest
“For so he giveth his beloved sleep…” Our Sunday School teacher reads the words, and I literally laugh out loud with a snort. Let’s just say that I wasn’t feeling all too holy…
Dear Formula Feeding Moms: I get it now
I really hate that there are stigmas attached to both breastfeeding and formula feeding. I hate that this is a matter of contention between moms. Most of all, I hate the role I…
When you’re too tired to be a good wife
This week was one of those weeks – the kind of week where I really was too tired to be a good wife. Little Brother was going through his sixth week of not sleeping through…
Dear tired mom whose baby won’t sleep: you’ll get through this
Let me tell you a tale of two babies and one tired mom: The first baby, now five, was a horrible sleeper. He hated to be alone and needed to be rocked, nursed,…
- Ezra, Family, Health, Wellness, & Self Care, Little Brother, Messy Faith, Motherhood, Mothering Through Fatigue, Personal and Spiritual Ramblings, Special Needs Parenting
Pursuing self care and asking for help (in which we make some changes)
I will view self care as a priority rather than an indulgence. I will get better at asking for help. With these resolutions, I entered the New Year. I was tired but happy,…