The one where being the fun mom bites me in the butt
Alternately titled The one where I perform surgery on a vacuum cleaner or Aprille and her no-good, terrible, very-bad, horrible, awful idea or Never let your 4-year-old play with packing peanuts no matter how fun it seems.…
Fear {on parenting a high needs child when planning for the next one}
Special needs moms: How do you do this? How do you get past the fear and enjoy the thought of having another child? How do you go on to parent another child when…
Acceptance of snow days {ramblings of an emotionally conflicted ex-northerner}
There’s something about The Automated Phonecall that comes from The School District (that I still have no idea how I got signed up for because my son technically doesn’t go there) that just makes…
So what? {One question that will end “mommy wars” before they begin}
A friend of mine asked me to write a post about Mommy Wars. She had recently taken a Facebook fast and when she returned, she was so discouraged at the hatred that is…
How to keep sane when your child won’t sleep
Public disclaimer: this post is written on very little sleep by a first-trimester pregnant mother who also happens to be the mom of a 4-year-old who has woken up every night in the…
A different kind of mother’s love
“Sometimes I go through several days and realize I haven’t really connected with him.” The admission comes from my guilt-ridden voice and lands on the ears of our social worker, who just smiles…
New Year, New Life
‘Twas the Sunday before Christmas and we went to the park as a family, where we gave Ezra a sign and asked him to read it. He sounded out the first word pretty…
Bite for bite: a dinnertime strategy for picky eaters
Rather than giving an incentive such as desert for eating dinner, reward bite-for-bite with foods that are desirable to the child.
9 lessons learned from mothering through fatigue
I am continually in awe of the tired moms who land here every day, at the posts from the archives about mothering tired that continue to get sometimes hundreds of hits every day,…
Encouragement for the Pregnant Special Needs Mom
And that power will pull you through the difficult times when you are carrying life inside you and carrying a special one in your arms.