Personal and Spiritual Ramblings
So this is eight: an update on our awesome 8-year-old boy
My baby is eight. EIGHT!! For some reason this year is hitting me as far more monumental than others, as I shall explain. I think that having a child who is behaviorally, emotionally,…
- Messy Faith, Motherhood, Mothering Through Fatigue, Personal and Spiritual Ramblings, Special Needs Parenting
How do you pursue a relationship with God when you’re exhausted?
Over the last few posts in my series, Grace: How a Recovering Legalist Moves Forward in Faith, I feel that I’ve done the best I can do to present theologically-sound, Scripturally-based truth about pursuing…
Regeneration: transforming the way you look at your spiritual identity
Regeneration. Congratulations. If you have even clicked on this post I admire your bravery in tackling a big scary Bible word. Even growing up in a Bible-saturated environment like I did, I admit…
The most important work
“So do you have to go back to work after this?” Her words pulled me out of the comatose state that only a tired mom getting her haircut for the first time in…
Approaching the spiritual disciplines with grace and expectancy
At our March 2017 care group meeting, our discussion turned toward the topic of spiritual disciplines. By definitions, “spiritual disciplines” are generally those things that should be habitual to the Christian walk: reading…
- Health, Wellness, & Self Care, Motherhood, Mothering Through Fatigue, Personal and Spiritual Ramblings
Life hacks for introverts: how to structure your day, week, and year
As an introvert, there have been a few real “game-changers” in how I cope in a special-needs household when both my husband and son are extroverts. This is one post in a series…
Life Hacks for Introverts: Survival Skills for When You Just Need a Break
I have decided to write a blog series about introverts, introversion, and help for those in introvert/extrovert relationships. I’ve touched on the issue many times, but my post “Honest Confessions of an Introverted…
{More} creative faith and Bible journaling resources
It’s been over two years since I first talked about Bible journaling here on the blog. I haven’t spent nearly as much time on this as I would like, but I wanted to…
Things I learned from college biology as a stay-at-home mama
I recently finished up another semester of college courses toward my associates degree. This was – by far – the hardest semester so far, as it included biology, a philosophy class, and a…
#nofilter: how to be married to an external processor
In my head are two long blog posts that I’m working on as followup for my post Confessions of an introverted wife (married to an extroverted husband). The aforementioned “Confessions” post brings in…