Pregnancy & Birth
10 baby items I’m still using 10 years later
As of tomorrow, I'll officially have a 10-year-old on my hands. Instead of giving you an emotional tribute to 10 years of motherhood, I thought I'd do something fun, as well as practical.…
Inviting God in while preparing for birth: pregnancy devotionals and journals
One big question I had when preparing for Little Brother’s birth was this: How do I prepare myself – my heart, mind, and soul – for birth, as well as what comes after?…
- Hope: One Word for 2015, Messy Faith, Personal and Spiritual Ramblings, Pregnancy & Birth, Redemption Stories
No Matter What, I Believe: On Broken Faith and Healing Birth
August 25, 2015 – 39 weeks, 6 days I had originally planned to title this post “Strong enough? Finding the balance between female empowerment and dependence on God.” And I’m going to talk…
Lessons learned from trying for VBAC
Each week that passes of Little Brother’s life, I’m more grateful. Not just for him, but for Ezra too. And for the cesareans that brought them into the world. I’ve spent the last…
There’s no such thing as a “failed VBAC” ~ A letter to the CBAC mom
It's okay to be disappointed. It's okay to say, "This is not what I wanted." It's okay to grieve and cry. But there's no such thing as a "failed VBAC." Because you cannot fail at…
Cut, Stapled, and Mended: a book review
Cut, Stapled, and Mended: When One Woman Reclaimed Her Body and Gave Birth on Her Own Terms After Cesarean by Roanna Rosewood was the only book I read while I was pregnant. Roanna is a…
VBAC Preparation and Life Long Lessons
Today, I’ve asked Jaimie, a VBAC mom and friend to guest post for us. I was inspired by her story and how she prepared for her VBAC. _____ I had found my doctor,…
The Best Laid Birth Plan
Today I’m opening up my blog to friend, fellow blogger, and “stand in the gap” friend Jessica Hoover. Jessica is a doula with a heart for moms whose births don’t go to plan.…
Tips for coping with prodromal labor or “false” labor
I’m currently 34 weeks and 2 days. I’ve been having Braxton Hicks contractions since 10 weeks pregnant. But now, I’m pretty sure that last night I experienced true prodromal labor for the first time…
A Christian Blessingway: Little Brother’s Baby Shower
I’m not the biggest fan of baby showers. Also, when we were pregnant with our second baby, we didn’t really need much (perks of having two boys and saving everything). I had read…