Special Needs Parenting
- Health, Wellness, & Self Care, Lifestyle, Messy Faith, Miscellaneous, Motherhood, Mothering Through Fatigue, Personal and Spiritual Ramblings, Special Needs Parenting
Fragments (and why you CAN pour from an empty cup)
When you can't manage one more sleepless night, one more meltdown, one more therapy session, one more exhausting homeschool day...when there's nothing left for you to give... Give of yourself anyway, and watch…
Why KOA Holiday Campgrounds are so great for families
Over the past five years, our family has done quite a bit of traveling. We particularly enjoy visiting historic sites, which is something easily done from the central part of North Carolina. We…
Little Brother, ADHD, and having two special needs kids
It's not like I was coveting this diagnosis, giggling in satisfied glee when I saw ADHD marked in my second child's medical chart with a "FINALLY! I KNEW HE WASN'T NEUROTYPICAL! I HAVE…
“Behold Him…” – A Christmas Prayer for the (Still) Weary
I don't know what you are facing this Christmas. Maybe, like me, your days are filled with wearily managing a child with special needs or a spouse with mental illness and you feel…
It Gets Better {A Special Needs Kid Grows Up}
The biggest reason I felt the need to reshare this post was to share just how far our kid has come...we have come. I felt the need to tell other mamas of kids…
- Beauty in the Mess, Family, Homeschooling, Marriage, Messy Faith, Personal and Spiritual Ramblings, Special Needs Parenting
I am inadequate. Every. Single. Day. Every day I ask God why He chose me because surely someone else could do a better job. We share these things...boast in these things...so that you might…
- Ezra, Family, Health, Wellness, & Self Care, Lifestyle, Marriage, Military and Veteran Life, Miscellaneous, Motherhood, Personal and Spiritual Ramblings, Special Needs Parenting
2022 In Review
2022 was a good year for me and for my family. It was productive and meaningful, and I would like to briefly give a family update and share some of our accomplishments.
Strength for Today
He's manic. Ugh. As we navigate this mood disorder, I'm learning the difference between ADHD hyperactivity and DMDD mania. I worry about his future. Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow I…
It’s just another (normal?) manic Thursday
"If I didn't know who that kid was, I would say he's as high as a kite." These are the words coming out of the mouth of my husband first thing this morning. Let's…
When Grown-Up, Big Boys Cook Thanksgiving Dinner
When I found out our Thanksgiving dinner table was going to have few guests, I was excited about having Ezra's help and making Thanksgiving dinner with him! He did not disappoint! All in…