Why moms fail at new years resolutions (10 tips for January survival)
Are you a young momma who has set some goals or new years resolutions for the new year? I know I am. There’s just something about the beginning of January that beckons me to…
Dear exhausted mom who is really tired of snow days
Tomorrow will be our 3rd snow day in the last week. This winter storm has also fallen on the heels of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and a teacher work day. So in…
What I learned in February 2015
1. Apparently, pregnancy carpal tunnel syndrome is a thing. I thing I have. It comes and goes but when it comes, it comes – and I feel like I must have slept with…
Acceptance of snow days {ramblings of an emotionally conflicted ex-northerner}
There’s something about The Automated Phonecall that comes from The School District (that I still have no idea how I got signed up for because my son technically doesn’t go there) that just makes…