- Hope: One Word for 2015, Messy Faith, Personal and Spiritual Ramblings, Pregnancy & Birth, Redemption Stories
No Matter What, I Believe: On Broken Faith and Healing Birth
August 25, 2015 – 39 weeks, 6 days I had originally planned to title this post “Strong enough? Finding the balance between female empowerment and dependence on God.” And I’m going to talk…
Cut, Stapled, and Mended: a book review
Cut, Stapled, and Mended: When One Woman Reclaimed Her Body and Gave Birth on Her Own Terms After Cesarean by Roanna Rosewood was the only book I read while I was pregnant. Roanna is a…
Preparing for VBAC: Letting go in the 3rd trimester
I knew going into this pregnancy that one big thing I wanted to be different between this pregnancy and my first pregnancy was that I wanted the third trimester to be much more relaxing. With…
Facing your fears: planning for cesarean when you are preparing for VBAC
July 22, 2015 I’m 35 weeks pregnant today. Last night, we attended the 2nd week of our two-week “childbirth refresher” course at the hospital where we will be having Little Brother. Another mom…
Preparing for VBAC: Processing your birth fears
A lot of the work of birthing can be done during pregnancy – especially the emotional work. Take the time to consider your fears or anxiety about birth and work through those. This…
Going Local: VBAC-friendly birth resources for Triad, NC Moms
When I moved to NC in 2013, one of the first things I did (before we even moved) was start Googling to try to find resources to prepare for a VBAC in preparation for…
Optimal fetal positioning: what does science have to say?
Optimal fetal positioning is a hot buzzword in the natural birthing world, especially when it comes to VBAC. So what is it all about, and why does it matter? More importantly, what does the…
Affirmations for ANY birth (even a c-section!)
Birth affirmations. Those wonderful mantras that mamas repeat to themselves in pregnancy and birth to maintain a positive outlook on birth. When I was preparing for my VBAC, I ATE THEM UP! (You…
My VBAC Preparation Pregnancy and Labor Playlist
Music was one of the most instrumental things that provided comfort, healing, and hope for me during my pregnancy and birth. I started looking for songs for my playlist in the first trimester.…
Preparing for birth when your husband has anxiety
In the five years between our two children’s births, my husband (who is a combat veteran), was diagnosed with a generalized anxiety disorder. While he had always struggled with anxiety, things that he went…