An open letter to my blue-eyed baby on his first birthday
Hi Baby. You don’t really understand, but today is your FIRST BIRTHDAY. We made it! And of course, we are celebrating in style by waking up at 5 AM! Little Brother, you have…
Lessons learned from trying for VBAC
Each week that passes of Little Brother’s life, I’m more grateful. Not just for him, but for Ezra too. And for the cesareans that brought them into the world. I’ve spent the last…
There’s no such thing as a “failed VBAC” ~ A letter to the CBAC mom
It's okay to be disappointed. It's okay to say, "This is not what I wanted." It's okay to grieve and cry. But there's no such thing as a "failed VBAC." Because you cannot fail at…
Preparing for VBAC: Processing your birth fears
A lot of the work of birthing can be done during pregnancy – especially the emotional work. Take the time to consider your fears or anxiety about birth and work through those. This…
Optimal fetal positioning: what does science have to say?
Optimal fetal positioning is a hot buzzword in the natural birthing world, especially when it comes to VBAC. So what is it all about, and why does it matter? More importantly, what does the…
Affirmations for ANY birth (even a c-section!)
Birth affirmations. Those wonderful mantras that mamas repeat to themselves in pregnancy and birth to maintain a positive outlook on birth. When I was preparing for my VBAC, I ATE THEM UP! (You…
Ultimate list of printable birth affirmations and scriptures
In my last post on art therapy, I talked about how positive words helped me maintain mindfulness throughout my pregnancy. Another way that I sought out mindfulness was through pregnancy and birth affirmations…
Preparing for birth when your husband has anxiety
In the five years between our two children’s births, my husband (who is a combat veteran), was diagnosed with a generalized anxiety disorder. While he had always struggled with anxiety, things that he went…
How I chose my VBAC doula
It’s 2015, so by now I think most people know what a doula is and what they do. I don’t think there’s a right way to pick a doula. Every mom, every family,…
Little Brother’s Birth Story {the long version with pictures and video}
Little Brother arrived Thursday, September 3rd, 2015 at 5:58PM. He weighed in at 10 lb 1 oz, 22 inches long. I went past my “due date.” This was not all that concerning to…