Ezra,  Motherhood,  Pregnancy & Birth

mommy ramblings

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I have received a few comments that have expressed a bit of surprise at how much “baby stuff” I’ve done this early in my pregnancy. In some ways, I’ve been a little surprised, because to me it just seems so normal. I’ve waited to be a mommy for a long time, so it just makes sense that as soon as I got to a point where I felt like this baby was going to make it to term that I would get started!

I’ve always been a plan-ahead kind of person. I had my husband picked out before he loved me, had my wedding dress bought before I was engaged, and started buying baby clothes, toys, and books when I was about 17. So for me, this is completely normal. While some may find it odd, I think God has instilled this sense of urgency into me because He knows that, often, He has some last-minute difficult surprises to give me before any big event…

Sometimes, I look ahead at the next five months with a bit of apprehension and wonder “how will I keep myself busy during a long, hot, pregnant summer?” But on the other hand, I feel such relief that I won’t be painting, putting together baby gear, and trudging around Babies R Us in the middle of the summer with a huge belly! I’d much rather be bored than rushed, stressed, and hurried trying to finish things up before the baby gets here.

Perhaps I’m a bit pessimistic, but I have the feeling that, with as uncomfortable as I’ve been already, that this summer will be very long and difficult. I like to think that I am not so much pessismistic as I am realistic…So, for me, it’s nice to get the planning stuff out of the way and then relax.

Please understand, I’m not at all offended by anyone who has made comments expressing surprise, nor am I trying to defend myself…I’m just rambling a bit and explaining a bit about myself for everyone in cyberspace to read!

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