Real mom
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Toward the end of the summer, I started reading a great book on motherhood called Beyond Bathtime. I won’t go into a lengthy review in this post, other than to say it’s definitely worth reading. The book takes a more “zoomed out” look at motherhood, beyond the today and all of it’s struggles (yet without minimizing them) and looks at the grander scope of what we do as moms to effect eternity. I have since started following their blog and Facebook page.
They have started a blog series called “Real Mom.” It’s just as it says… a REAL honest look at motherhood. Especially in this Pinterest-crazed, mommy blogging, one-upping sort of time that we live in, it’s easy to see “all the other moms” out in cyberspace as having it all together while we are hiding behind our screens terrified that our webcams will suddenly turn on when we aren’t looking and our messes will be exposed for the whole world to see. The purpose of this blog series is to dispel those myths and show that most moms are just like you are. With little me-time, sometimes-frustrating marriages, ornery kids, and messy houses.
A few weeks ago they put out a challenge on their blog for “real moms” to come forward and show pictures of their messy houses. Funny…not very many did. (Unless I’m missing the photo album somewhere!) I’ve been meaning to get around to it, but I just decided this morning that today was the day to “let it all hang out.” So here goes…
Real mom living room…an hour AFTER vacuuming:
Real mom kitchen (cleaner than normal):
Real mom nursery:
Real mom dresser (It always looks like this…I clean it about once every 3 months, and it stays clean for about 2 days. Unfortunately this has nothing to do with being a mom, this is just me.):
Real mom hair stuff that never gets used on a real mom (and dad) bedroom floor:
Glazed-over-eyes, I-need-another-cup-of-coffee no-makeup face, fresh-out-of-the-shower-hair, $2-shirt-from-goodwill…

heather Patenaude
YAY!! Thanks for showing us your messy house!! I love that when people saw my messy house they said, “I don’t feel so bad about mine”! hee hee! Thanks!
heather patenaude
Love this post! I immediately felt at home…and normal! I sometimes want to cry after seeing my freshly vacumned and mopped floor with food all over it again! Thanks for sharing with us x
Yup…so frustrating. Especially when you have dark carpet that shows EVERYTHING! lol
You are welcome.
Carol Hatcher
Loved it! Love how you are keeping it real. I’m with ya!
thanks so much for stopping by!!!
Thanks for being real with the rest of us. You just portrayed my life as mom. Lol!
I think that the majority of moms are like this!
Thanks for stopping by.
Sometimes, when you lose… win! YOU WIN!!!!
My home is sooooo bad right now. It’s always bad. I have a “Confessions of a Slob” tag on my blog in which I share real-life photos.
I’ll have to do my office again. It’s so scary in there! J just TRASHES it—I can never make progress.
Aww I remember those posts. Epic. You and I have so much in common.
My house right now looks like a lot of your “before” pictures!!