Stay {Five Minute Friday}
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Today for the first time I am participating in this thing on another website called Five Minute Fridays…where bloggers are given a writing prompt (topic) and told to write for five minutes. “No editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.” I’m glad I participated. Because I really needed this one today. The topic was “Stay.” Thanks Lisa-Jo!
Stay sane. That’s the first word that popped into my head.
Stay calm. Stay cool. Stay unrattled.
Today I’m failing. So in this moment, I’m taking five minutes to just stay. Stay me. And me is someone who wants to be good and right and calm and kind. That other me? the one who just yelled at her kid. No. that’s not the real me. And that other me who snapped at her husband this morning? No. that wasn’t the real me either.
Stay. Stay true to yourself. The woman who Christ has redeemed. The one who is given strength to do all things. Yeah. I almost forgot about that verse.
I can. do. all. things.
I can stay sane.
I can stay calm.
I can stay unrattled.
Through Christ. Who gives me strength.
Stay…breathe in. Breathe out. I just did. Okay. Again. Breathe in. Breathe out. One more time. Breathe in. Breathe out.
Now go…go stay caffeinated. Go stay in love with your gorgeous son. Go stay being a sweet wife who is in love with her husband no matter how difficult the days are.
Stay still. You want to clean the whole house today. You won’t. And you know it. So stay balanced. Look at what you can accomplish. And forget the rest.
Now breath in.
Warrior Priestess
Congrats on your first 5 minute Friday. Keep it up! 🙂
Thank you so much!
You’re doing it too?! Great! I’m not the only loner who just started today. haha!
I’ve been meaning to for a while…considered it last week but I was swimming in archives and the topic didn’t grab me like this one did. And I really needed a five minute time out or I was going to lose my top.
Janine Huldie
Awesome idea and loved what you came up with in five minutes time. And what you came up, I could truly relate to about my husband, kids and leaning, too!!
thanks for commenting. Doing this really turned my whole way around, in a way that even a good lunch and cup of coffee didn’t. I’ve had a much better afternoon than morning. 🙂