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Peaceful morning. Ezra woke up around 0745. I stumbled out of the bedroom to brew coffee. While the water was heating, I found my Bible. Buried in a bag in the corner of the kitchen.
After yesterday, I wanted to start the day off right. I set the Bible on the top of the dishwasher, and kind of looked at it for a second. The words of a friend resonated in my mind:
I was discussing this phenomena of “alone time” with another friend today, and she said, “The worst is when you’re a Christian mom and you are told you have to have a ‘morning quiet time’ to be a good Christian….when did we decide we had to do it this way? It’s not like it’s a Biblical mandate to be alone in your closet first thing in the morning.”
I took a breath. My eyes were still kind of blurry and my head was fuzzy.
I’m gonna wait.
Ezra was playing quietly in his room–not even fiddling with the door.
I’ll check Facebook, read a few blogs, try to wake up first.
I’m glad I did. A half hour later I felt like my brain was much more ready to absorb what God wanted me to read today.
God, Ezra is getting restless in there. I don’t have a lot of time to read a lot this morning. Give me something. Please.
I opened the Bible to the pink bookmark. Hmm…did I already read Psalm 36? It looks vaguely familiar. Yeah I kind of remember that verse there. Okay, moving on…
I read three verses. Three.
This Bible is different. The verses are laid out in different formatting. It’s a different version.
“Trust in the LORD and do good:
dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.”
Psalm 37:3
The command to dwell caught my eye and stopped me.
What does that even mean?
Blue Letter Bible App…King James Version. “So shalt thou dwell…” a verb sounding something like shakan.
Settle down, abide
In other passages in the Bible it’s translated as rest.
Today I want to dwell. Dwell with my family. Settle down. Sink into this land that is my life. Really breathe everything in.

Janine Huldie
Enjoy your family today and rest up. Beautiful post Aprille ) 🙂
Thank you! So far today has been very restful!
A beautiful post Aprille…i do so miss just dwelling…you have inspired me again today x
Thanks…I love being an inspiration.