What if Mary had been a mommy blogger?
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But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.
Luke 2:19
After not celebrating Christmas for four years, I have struggled over the last few years to truly celebrate the birth of Christ. But being a mother has changed that. I find myself relating to the Christmas story more and more with each passing Christmas and each passing year of motherhood.
How can you not celebrate the birth of a baby…and the birth of a new mother?!?
I think that motherhood has changed me far more than any other experience I have gone through. And it continues to change me with each passing day. Any time I see a new mother, or think of one, I sit and wonder what their lives will be like in six months, a year, or five years.
Mary is no exception.
I wonder how motherhood changed her. I wonder what things she struggled with in being a brand-new mother, not to mention with the whole Mother of the Messiah thing going on.
Blogging has played a very important role in my life as a mother. It helps me process things that I’m struggling with in my mind…helps me bring them together in a way that makes sense to me. I process AS I write.
The verse above makes me wonder if Mary were an introvert. It appears that she processed things internally…in her heart.
The word kept is defined as to preserve (a thing from perishing or being lost) or to keep within one’s self, keep in mind (a thing, lest it be forgotten). (Blue Letter Bible iPhone app)
That’s one of the things I do with my blog when it comes to parenting. I want to keep these memories, no matter how hard, to keep them from being forgotten…to see how far I’ve come.
The word ponder means to throw together, to bring together…to bring together in one’s mind, confer with one’s self. (Blue Letter Bible iPhone app) I think the words I like to use are to process and to think through.
I do this through writing. Through blogging. Through being alone.
And so I wonder…
What if Mary had been a mommy blogger?
What if Mary had had the opportunity to process things via a keyboard and computer screen? What if she didn’t have to keep everything inside? What if she could have shared her thoughts with the cyber world?
What were all these things that she pondered?
A few years ago there was a video that circulated the web that made an attempt to visualize the Christmas story, if it were to happen today, via the medium of Facebook. It’s heartwarming and touching.
What if Mary had kept a blog? Would there have been “bumpdates”? Would she have chronicled her journey to see Elizabeth? Would there have been a post about her conception by the Holy Ghost, and what it felt like to be with child by His power? Would she have shared how it felt to have the Son of God within her womb? To feel his kicks and rolls?
What would her Pinterest boards have looked like? Certainly there wouldn’t have been a stable or manger pinned to her “Stuff for the Baby” board. I doubt that there was any gold, frankincense, or myrrh on her baby gift registry either.
Was she nervous? Is any new mother NOT nervous? Would she have researched breastfeeding and childcare tips?
I can imagine her post about the census. We just got the news…a long trip is ahead of us as we head to Bethlehem. And I’m as big as this donkey I’m riding on. I’m so uncomfortable! I’ll update when I get there. (posted from my iPhone)
What about her “Jesus’ Birth Story” post? How did she handle the disappointments of a less-than-optimal birth environment? Did she grieve that things didn’t go the way she expected in her birth plan? Or was she simply too full of joy that her son was finally born?
Did she get ever get overwhelmed with all the visitors…all the worshippers? Had she expected this? Or did she ever just want to be left alone to hold her baby and keep Him for herself?
And then there would have been silence as all her social media platforms died. She would go off the grid to protect the life of her son for two long, lonely years. Would she have missed all the friends she had made through the online community? All the support she had gained? Or maybe she hadn’t gotten any. Maybe people thought she was so crazy, so blasphemous, that they shunned her and judged her…even over the internet.
What would her posts have been like had she been able to keep a blog during the toddler years? Did Jesus ever make messes or throw her shoes in the trash can? What were His first words? His first sentences?
There is so much that we could learn had this technology existed at the time. But it didn’t. And God did that purposely, I suppose. So we can be filled with wonder and amazement at the endless questions that we have surrounding the birth of Christ.
Mary wasn’t a mommy blogger. She had no iPhone, no Twitter followers, and no Facebook friends. She had no social media outlets that she could use to process her overwhelming thoughts of motherhood…of mothering the Christ-child, the Savior of the World.
And so, she pondered. She treasured. She kept everything inside. In her heart.
I think that, in this day of technology where we document our children’s first, second, or fifteenth Christmases through our Instagram feeds and blog posts–where we pin Christmas craft ideas and cookie recipes–where we send our our Christmas cards via Facebook…that we could do good to look to Mary’s example.
To set aside the social media for a few moments and simply ponder. To simply keep the memories we are making in our hearts, rather than our iPhones. To celebrate the birth of the Christ-child and think about how HE has impacted our journeys of Motherhood.
To keep…to ponder… Like Mary.

Janine Huldie
Beautiful Aprille and love your question here today. Not exactly sure how Mary would have handled it, but it would have been inspiring to read her posts!!
I think so too!!
Stacey J
That verse has always made me stop and pause and I wonder what where the things exactly that she “pondered in her heart.”? I love your take on this!
Thanks…I think sometimes we forget that she was a real mom, just like we are…
SO beautiful.
Thank you
Alyce {Blossom Heart Quilts}
I hope it’s in the good way!
Jhona O.
Such a beautiful and thought provoking post. I remember when I came to the realization that Mary was a real woman, a real wife and a real mother. It overwhelmed me! I enjoyed your thoughts and being reminded of this again. I’m going to share your post with one of my friends who is struggling along this season. You were a blessing to me this morning. Thank you:)
Thank you for leaving such a sweet comment. I’m glad that you think this will help someone! Glad to be a blessing!
Love that video- hadn’t seen that before. Part of why I love Christmas so much is because the events surrounding His birth are my favourite to read in the whole Bible. Every year the Lord brings out a different aspect to me, and it is just so miraculous!!! I am overwhelmed and humbled by so many small details. And as a mother, I often put myself in Mary’s place. It’s comforting to know that she was human just like us mothers today, and that God used her for a very special ministry!
I’m glad I posted it then. It’s cute but really makes you think!!
I often think about Mary too, what she thought about, her feelings. I’m an introvert myself so I can relate to her quiet, internal ponderings. Thanks for sharing this post!
The Busy Bee's
Something to think about.
Thanks for linking up and sharing your great ideas at the Adorned From Above Blog Hop.
Adorned From Above,
The Busy Bee’s,
Myrna and Joye.
Debi @ Adorned From Above
This is very thought provoking. I’m so happy that I came over to read it. Thanks so much for sharing at Wednesday’s Adorned From Above Blog Hop.
This weeks party starts at midnight tonight. I can’t wait to see what you have been up to.
Debi @ Adorned From Above
Joye and Myrna @ The Busy Bee’s
Mary Renee
Good stuff, my friend. Great things to think about this season. 🙂
Nicole @ Working Kansas Homemaker
I love blogging – and the community we are able to build through it. Great post, really got me thinking!
Thanks for reading!
Rachel Haines
I love Luke 2:19 too! I mentioned it to my Mom right after my son was born, and I was reading the Christmas story. I’m sure I read it many times before that but it just never stuck out until I was a mother. I can’t imagine seeing Christ’s journey from cradle to cross as a Mother. I blog to keep track of the little things in my children’s lives too. It’s our generation’s version of a “baby calendar” I think.
Hi Aprille! What a clever and thought provoking peace. I’ve often compared my parenting experience to my mothers..who grew up without the world of social media and I marvel at the ways we can document our lives. But there is definitely a time to ponder things in our hearts…to keep silent. Your posts reminds me to carefully balance what and how I live and share. Loved the video. Merry Christmas!
Balance is the perfect word – and I think each mom will find her own balance, not all of us will come to the same conclusions. But yes, sometimes I think we would be better off without all of the online “noise.”
Wonderful post! I had never thought of Mary that way before.