Five Minute Fridays,  Miscellaneous,  Personal and Spiritual Ramblings


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Linking up tonight with the Five Minute Friday gals and Lisa Jo Baker for 5 minutes of unedited, raw, and totally random writing. Lisa Jo moved the time up by 2 hours and now the prompt is posted at 10PM on Thursday (instead of midnight) – and I joined in with the Twitter party tonight just for the fun of it. 

I think it will be very obvious that I definitely do NOT do my best writing at 10PM after staring at a computer screen for two hours moving with text from 50 million women (okay, it seems like that) at lightning fast speed. My brain was already mush when I started writing so here goes the end-of-the-day randomness that is Five Minute Friday. Tonight’s prompt is RED. 



The first thing that popped into my head when I read the prompt was…

RED! The blood of angry men! 

From Les Miserables. And I was tempted to go off on a 5 minute editorial piece about my opinions on Syria, but, well, that’s not the type of stuff I like to put out online at all – especially not on my blog.

My eyes wander around the living room and I see red everywhere. Most of the photos on my wall have us dressed in red – a coincidence that just sort of happened and has become tradition. The sign over my door hangs red. The little tin of Keep Calm and Carry On tea sitting in my kitchen is red. A red dot sticker on the box of the sewing machine that is sitting on the living room floor – left out, proof of a project unfinished.

The sticky arrow tabs sticking out of spots in a piano book that I haven’t touched in ages are red. The top of my wireless mouse. The lettering on my tube of yellow Burt’s Bees.

Red, it runs throughout each day, throughout the household even though it’s not really a color scheme.

Do I notice color at all? In this world of technology? Or am I blind to the beauty of it?

Open your eyes. Find red around you. It’s there. Notice that, and see what you find. See it’s beauty. It may surprise you.


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  • tonyasalomons

    Girl!!! I love this!!! Open your eyes find the red… Oh you have just challenged me girl… I am looking for all things red tomorrow and I’m gonna take pictures and tag you in all of them… LOVE it!

    • Aprille

      Aww that means the world! So glad to have inspired someone with this shoddy piece of work! lol I will do the same! We all should! Keep the Five Minute Friday RED LOVE GOING!

  • coffeemrs

    What a call! Not just to find the red things, but to open up my eyes and take in the beauty of what is around me. These things are His gifts. It is so good to remember and see His giving in each thing.

  • heartsonguard

    This is awesome! You should join us every week — and give yourself more credit, silly. You did a great job working under the pressure the rest of us late-nighters do 😉 This is a great call to open our eyes and really see the world around us. Hugs!!!

    • Aprille

      It was definitely fun and I keep reminding myself that EVERY time I write it is practice, progress, and becoming a better writer. No “crappy” post is a waste of time because it’s honing skills! 🙂

      And there is no way I’m joining up every week. That makes me tired just thinking about it! lol And I think Russ missed me. 🙂

    • Aprille

      It was definitely fun but I think I have a #fmfparty hangover. I went to bed at 1130 and got to “sleep in” until about 0620. And I had bad dreams about Allume. lol

  • Dolly@Soulstops

    Hi Aprille,
    I was so happy to see your name for FMF as I laughed at the Youtube video you shared with your comment at my guest post for Deidra…anyway, Thank you 🙂 And another funny thing, I thought of that song from Les Miserable also but all I could remember was “Red the color of….[insert blank]” so I went w/ my next thought for my post.

    Nice to meet you 🙂

  • Alia Joy

    I love red as well. It’s all over my house but yeah, sometimes we forget to see when we aren’t reminded to really look. Is this your first five minute Friday? If so, welcome! And I love what you offered with your 5 minutes. I missed party tonight because I’m on the West Coast so it’s hard to twitter party with kids needing dinner… but I’m glad you joined in. I’ll see you at Allume, right? I recognize you from the Allume newbies group. Welcome to yet another wonderful community, Aprille.

  • Simply Beth

    It’s nice to “meet” you on this FMF! Beutiful post. This grabbed me —>”Do I notice color at all? In this world of technology? Or am I blind to the beauty of it?” I think because there are days I wonder what all I’m missing as I stare at this computer screen either working or writing. I need to remind myself to get up and find the red around me. I do love the red in my home…I have a little red, white and blue theme going.
    Wishing you a beautiful weekend!

  • mrsthaywood

    I have noticed that i have certain colors that seem to theme throughout my life and not always consciously…we do need to slow down and simply look around us. We may be missing out on something noteable simply because we aren’t looking.

  • Deanna

    Love how you were honest that you didn’t feel this to be one of your better posts, not that I would know as it is my first visit. 🙂 I like how you remind us to stop and notice life. Nice talking with you.

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