Miscellaneous,  Writing and blogging

Top 13 posts of 2013

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Over the past two years, I have made it one of my top blogging goals to deliver quality content to my readers that could encourage them, right where they are. Looking back over this year, I have a huge sense of accomplishment because I feel I have made that goal a reality! These 13 blog posts are the top-read posts of the entire year, and I personally feel like they are some of the best posts in the all-time history of the site. (These are listed in reverse order, with the most-read posts listed last.)

Top 13 posts of 2013 at beautifulinhistime.com

13. Dear Moms at Christmastime ~Love, a mom who “doesn’t do Santa”

“Just please, enjoy your Christmas, your Jesus, and your family. Whatever that means for you. And let all of the other moms who are enjoying their Christmas in their way do the same.”

12. Flashcards in Action {a game for active toddlers}

“This game includes the typical use of flashcards (ie. what is it? what letter is it? what number? etc.), along with action (in our house, that means running), fine motor skills, and sensory skills.”

11. some self-observations about legalism {and introduction to a new blog series}

“I got really good at faking a relationship with a God that I thought was displeased with me. For seven years I wandered in a no-man’s land, a wilderness, between legalism and grace – trying to find some balance between the two. Trying to hold onto a past I knew was unfulfilling, but too scared to embrace a future of grace.”

10. When I’m not enough to be a good mother

“Realizing that I’m “not enough” to be a good mom is exactly the place I need me to be, because it is THERE that I am driven to find my grace in Him. I can rejoice in knowing that I’m a good mom because of Him, even when I am totally and utterly…not enough.”

9. The difference once choice could have made {some final thoughts on six years in the Army}

“If there were alternate realities–had that young, naive girl made a different choice–and if I were to meet her today, six years later… I think part of me would thank her.

But another part of me would walk up to her, look into her clueless, untouched-by-war eyes, and say… Oh, Aprille…you have no idea what you missed out on…”

8. Miscarriage hurts (even five years later)

“But some days I’m taken by surprise and, even after five years, it still gets me. It’s still a loss. Miscarriage hurts. Even five years later.”

7. Modesty: a picture of grace

“But now, Christianity still so often promotes a system of modesty that is based in shame. We feebly and fearfully adopt ‘standards’ and try to cover up our sin, our shame, with our own inflated sense of goodness – a goodness that can never be good enough.”

6. Earning his love

“I wonder how long it’s going to take to reprogram my brain to believe that I’m loved for who I am…not for what I do?”

5. The Myth of the Construction Paper Heart

“As human beings, our hearts are meant to love and to give. That’s what a relationship–ANY relationship–is all about! You cannot interact with another human being and care about that person at all without there being some ‘giving of your heart.’ It’s just impossible.

But that’s what is so great about the human heart–It’s not made out of construction paper.”

4. How to be a better mom while being exhausted

“If there was ever a morning that *I* needed the ‘how to be a better mom while being exhausted’ post it was this morning. So I turned to my arsenal of tricks and solutions and topped it off with a little bit of grace and a lot of deep breaths.”

3. My slow journey away from attachment parenting

“I’m not saying that attachment parenting is bad. In fact I think it’s probably more good than it is bad. But it’s a method. And it’s a method that doesn’t work for every baby and momma. There is no one-size-fits-all method for parenting.”

2. When you’re “too tired to be a good mother”

“So take heart tired momma. You will make it through these exhausting days. And you will be stronger for them. You are a good mother. You only need to look into the eyes of your children and believe it.”

1. How to encourage a special-needs mom (when you aren’t one)

“I hope that this will encourage women who know special needs moms of all varieties.”


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