Special Needs Survival Series: Parents Share Their Tips and Advice
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Two years ago, I participated in the 31 Days Blogging Challenge with a series for Special Needs Families. It was called “31 Days of Supporting the Special Needs Family: Opening Dialogue, Building Bridges, Creating Community.”
A few months ago, I again felt the burden to open up this blogging space for the support and encouragement of special needs families, especially as my family is now two years post-diagnosis with our own special needs story.
This series is going to speak to the broad range of “special needs” that families have. I especially want to give more credence to families who might face medical challenges, as well as continuing to share hope and encouragement to those dealing with invisible disabilities, mental illness, and other special needs.
Special Needs Survival Series:
Parents Share Their Tips and Advice
How to get a behavioral diagnosis for your child
Moving beyond the ADHD diagnosis
Visual boundaries for children
Encouraging independent play (with children who hate being alone)
Practical products and resources for children with behavioral and sensory challenges
Our ADHD Medication Success Story
Even if we can’t find heaven: cultivating love for my special needs child
How to help your special needs child succeed at church
Social Skills CDs for Children with Special Needs
5 Things I Wish I’d Known Before Adopting a Child with Special Needs
5 Tips for Preparing Your Superhero for Surgery Day
Managing Appointments and Outings with Special Needs Children
Eating out with a special needs kid (it’s kind of a big deal!)
My Self Care Must-Haves (As a Special Needs Mom)
Ultimate Holiday Survival Guide for Special Needs Families (120+ Links!)
Support Special Needs Families With Your Christmas Shopping
Never enough: an honest look at what special needs parenting is like
Special Needs Moms Share Their Thoughts About Mother’s Day
Gifts for Special Education Teachers and Therapists (75+ UNIQUE IDEAS!)
The hardest thing about being a special needs mom
Ode to the Neurotypical Sibling of the Special Needs Child
When you’re discouraged and don’t know what to do, take a walk
Why it’s so hard for special needs families to find the right therapist
Creating a Family-Friendly Office: A Guide for Therapists & Doctors
No, medicating my child’s ADHD is not the easy way out
Book Review: Beyond the Diagnosis by Amy Mattson
Spiritual warfare and special needs: “Remember who you battle.”

I wish I had known the best places for help because we were not helped enough to feel it made much difference. Still don’t feel there’s much we can do to help our special needs adult child now because now he has issues with receiving help of any kind.