Momma went back to school & graduated from college during a pandemic
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It seems like a lifetime ago when I decided to go back to college. I feel like I got on a train and barreled in one direction, only to hop off and get on another train headed the completely opposite direction.

As homeschooling has gripped me in unexpected yet compelling ways, the “dream” of becoming a social work and the plans that went with that dream has faded to the “unfinished projects” part of my heart where things go that I might return to someday.
Still, there are no regrets. I set a goal. I accomplished that goal. I learned a lot. I overcame a lot of obstacles to make it happen. And I’m so incredibly proud that I can say those things.
I finished my college coursework in December of 2019, and I graduated with my Associate in Arts general education degree in May of 2020. It took me a little over three years. (Fourteen years if you figure that a few credits transferred in from my Bible college days.) I took a minimum of 6 credits per semester, and a maximum of 10 credits. I accomplished this while my oldest was age 5-9 and my youngest was age 8 months to 4. During my last two semesters, I was also working part-time at my marketing job. And during my last semester, I somehow managed to homeschool my boys as well. I graduated with a GPA of 4.0.

As far as graduation goes, things were obviously different. I’m glad about that, and here’s why:
I was an online-only college student.
I went on campus of my local community college probably ten times or less during the entire duration of my education. Two of those times were mandatory, to take proctored biology exams. The other few times were for registration, advising, financial aid, and purchasing books – the few times before I discovered that I could do most of that online too!
I had zero connection to any other students or courses outside of my courses. I didn’t make any friends or participate in any extra-curricular activities. And that was exactly the way I wanted it to be. Most of my schoolwork was done on my couch (in my pajamas, of course!) or at the YMCA. In a sense, the staff at the Y (particularly the childcare workers) were the only lasting relationships that I made as a result of my education. (That, and my relationship with my coffee pot.)
While a part of me really wanted to have the whole cap-and-gown, pomp-and-circumstance experience, in reality, the idea made me very anxious. Of course, I would want my mother-in-law (my other standing childcare worker during these college years!) and my husband there, but then who would watch my boys? How would Russ handle it? I mean, sheesh, just finding a parking spot would probably have him on the verge of a panic attack!
So I was a bit relieved when the traditional graduation was canceled due to the pandemic. There were online graduation “options” available, but I opted not to participate.
What did it look like to graduate from college during the pandemic?
First, I got my tassel in the mail. I was not expecting it at all, so it was a pleasant surprise!
On May 19th, I drove to the college to pick up my diploma and graduation “swag.” It poured that day, and the line was long. I spent about an hour in the van with my boys, listening to New City Catechism songs and an audiobook on Scribd about Pocahontas. We got a voucher for free food from a food truck. They let me get some for the boys, which was great. When I pulled up, there were staff in masks trying their best to hoot and holler and make a big deal for those coming through the line.
I don’t know if the boys will remember it, but I was glad for their sakes that they were with me for this “drive thru” graduation.
We went straight from campus to the Dunkin’ Donuts on the way to my in-laws house. I had heard they were giving away free dozen donuts for graduates. Then, we delivered donuts to my mother-in-law to thank for the support she gave and all the times she watched the boys for me while I worked on my courses.
A few weeks later, my parents came for a visit. My mom (one of my other big supporters) wanted to make a big deal of the accomplishment, so she planned an at-home, just-us celebration for our little family. The boys were excited to participate.
I dug the graduation cap from my high school graduation out of a box and attached my new tassel. I put on my free t-shirt, and we took pictures by the yard sign I was given.
My mom played a short recording of Pomp and Circumstance on her phone, while Ezra (the master of ceremonies) entered ceremoniously. He read a short proclamation and conferred upon me my diploma. Then I turned my tassel, and the boys took turns shaking my hand.

The ceremony lasted about five minutes, and it was absolutely perfect.
We ended the evening with a cheesecake dessert on the deck:
My future {educational} plans
My original plan was to finish this associate degree, then immediately move onto a Bachelor of Social Work and then a Master of Social Work. I’ve spent hours creating color-coded spreadsheets showing exactly what courses I needed to take and how they would transfer to three different BSW programs.
All of this before God transformed my heart and called me to homeschool my kids.
I still don’t have words to describe what a beautiful and wonderful that transformation has been for me. Homeschooling is a HUGE part of my identity – and our family – right now. While there are some definite challenges (especially for me as an introvert) and daily frustrations, I love what I have been given the opportunity to do. I am exceptionally gifted in areas of organization, attention to detail, and teaching. Homeschooling gives me the opportunities to use those gifts. Homeschooling fulfills me in ways nothing else ever has.
Homeschooling also takes a lot of time and attention. I’m also still working part-time. I really don’t have the energy or the time to pursue anything else right now.
I do hope to revisit the idea of a bachelor’s degree once my kids are older and more self-sufficient. But, I still have a solid decade of homeschooling ahead of me, and that’s my focus.
I also am no longer sold on the idea of social work as a profession for myself. It still intrigues me, and I think the things I’ve been through have given me a unique perspective that could potentially help others. I’m still interested in social work – as well as marriage and family counseling, case management, and other degree programs in the “human services” field. I did struggle a lot with the liberal and anti-Christian ideas I was bombarded with during the course of my secular education. When the time comes to revisit the idea of a bachelor’s degree, I will be looking into Christian degree programs that more closely align with my Biblical worldview.
I have no regrets from my pursuit of the associate degree. I don’t feel like the things I learned and the time I spent will be wasted because I’m not pursuing anything further. Even if I never take another college class, I will be so thankful for what I accomplished and how it stretched me personally.

Well Done !
Gaye Speaks Mize
I did not realize this or had a BIG senior moment and forgot,!!! Do not think I knew… and just want to tell you how VERY proud of you I am!!! That is absolutely unbelievable that you could do this with all you have going on in your life!!! WOW!!!!! And I mean this…. Very Impressive!!! Soon as we can want to take you somewhere for lunch to celebrate again if you would like!! As you know I went back to school also as adult
and so grateful I did and Loved it!!! However,… my kids were grown for most part. Again, way to go Girl,!!!!! Hello to my “adopted” grandsons and Happy Easter to all of you!! Thank you so much for sharing this with me!! I will reread and treasure it!!
Love to all, Gaye/Grandma Gaye