A dad’s perspective on creative discipline and special needs parenting
...when I become more focused on the method I am using to reach that goal than the wonder of the actual goal itself, its time to get creative and do something very different.
Ezra Dawson, Fallen Hero: Honoring our Son’s Namesake on Memorial Day
The amazing story of us establishing contact with the family of our son's namesake, a fallen soldier.
[Guest post] On being a reconnecting dad
My husband's thoughts about reconnecting with his son after a year-long deployment to Afghanistan.
A Christmas Song for Military Wives: The Best Gift of All
The best Christmas gift of all is having my veteran husband home for Christmas - this post includes a Christmas song for military wives!
The Rest of Our Lives: Musings on Reintegration After Deployment
He’s been home almost three months now. Time always drags when they are gone and flies when they are home! Deployment uniforms have all been tucked away, ACUs are the standard again. Reintegration…