My best mom memes of 2016
On my 2016 Reader Survey (if you haven’t taken it yet, you can do so here: Reader Survey), it seems that my readers are interested in the following topics: motherhood (83.3%), marriage (72.2%),…
My Self Care Must-Haves (As a Special Needs Mom)
Self care is so important for special needs parents. Over the last two years, I have very much evolved in how I have accomplished self care in my life. Below are my top…
How to listen to grown up music (even when you have kids)
A pumpkin spice candle flickers on my mantle. The boys are playing together as peacefully as two rowdy boys can. And my favorite music is streaming from Pandora on the living room TV.…
Dear Moms of Preschool Boys: It gets easier, I promise
We took family pictures last weekend. I don’t think I’ve ever looked forward to a photo session quite so much. We got to dress the boys in matching clothes: an 18 months shirt…
How to cope when you keep dropping the ball
“Balls dropping everywhere!” I mutter in frustration while seeing my husband out the door for work. He grins gleefully like a pimple-faced middleschooler because he’s a guy and I said “balls.” But for me,…
- Family, Health, Wellness, & Self Care, Motherhood, Mothering Through Fatigue, Personal and Spiritual Ramblings, Special Needs Parenting
How Tired Moms Can Find Sabbath Rest
“For so he giveth his beloved sleep…” Our Sunday School teacher reads the words, and I literally laugh out loud with a snort. Let’s just say that I wasn’t feeling all too holy…
Summer survival: why moms need support instead of shaming
It’s that time of year, when kids get out of school for the summer and everyone seems to have an opinion on the best way for kids to spend the next two months.…
Dear Formula Feeding Moms: I get it now
I really hate that there are stigmas attached to both breastfeeding and formula feeding. I hate that this is a matter of contention between moms. Most of all, I hate the role I…
- Ezra, Family, Health, Wellness, & Self Care, Little Brother, Messy Faith, Motherhood, Personal and Spiritual Ramblings
Formula, FODMAPs, and other “F-ing” things I learned in April
I’ll get to formula and FODMAPS in a second, but before y’all go up in arms at my use of foul language on my faith-based blog, I have to explain: We play this game in…
Babies Need Boundaries and Limits, Too!
This post is an unplanned followup to my post, What I’m doing differently with my second baby (based on 5 years of parenting a special needs first baby). As babies grow, we learn more…