When you’re too tired to be a good wife
This week was one of those weeks – the kind of week where I really was too tired to be a good wife. Little Brother was going through his sixth week of not sleeping through…
Dear tired mom whose baby won’t sleep: you’ll get through this
Let me tell you a tale of two babies and one tired mom: The first baby, now five, was a horrible sleeper. He hated to be alone and needed to be rocked, nursed,…
Gifts for Young or New Moms (Fun and Inspirational)
Are you in need of the PERFECT gift for a mom in your life? Maybe you are a husband whose wife has a birthday coming up. Maybe Mother’s Day snuck up on you…
- Ezra, Family, Health, Wellness, & Self Care, Little Brother, Messy Faith, Motherhood, Mothering Through Fatigue, Personal and Spiritual Ramblings, Special Needs Parenting
Pursuing self care and asking for help (in which we make some changes)
I will view self care as a priority rather than an indulgence. I will get better at asking for help. With these resolutions, I entered the New Year. I was tired but happy,…
Why Le Tote is so great for busy moms {2nd Le Tote Review}
So I’ve gone ahead with another month of Le Tote, a clothing subscription service. You can read more details about Le Tote in my first review here: Finding my sense of mom-style and…
Dear exhausted mom who is really tired of snow days
Tomorrow will be our 3rd snow day in the last week. This winter storm has also fallen on the heels of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and a teacher work day. So in…
- Military and Veteran Life, Miscellaneous, Motherhood, Personal and Spiritual Ramblings, Special Needs Parenting
Learning to walk down steep stairs: “Beautiful girl, you can do hard things.”
We are called upon - over and over and over - to do hard things. To do scary things. To do things we are afraid will get us hurt. I don't know what…
What every mom needs to be told
I read a post on Scary Mommy this morning, 10 Moms I Can No Longer Speak To, that basically said this: We have become so quick to be offended about the things people…
Finding my sense of mom-style and this crazy thing called Le Tote
This might be a lengthly introduction so just go with me here for a minute… It was coming up on Christmas and I found myself increasingly frustrated that I feel like I have nothing to wear. My…
152 insights into my baby’s soul: cultivating love with one question a day
I was doing some cleaning over the holidays and pulled out my wedding memory box when I stumbled upon our copy of What I Love About You – a fill in the blank…