Personal and Spiritual Ramblings
When I’m not enough to be a good mother: where God’s grace begins
I think that God created motherhood to show me how sinful and inadequate I am at being a good mother…and thus how much I desperately need Him and His grace. Because there is…
Harmful Courtship Teachings: the Myth of the Construction Paper Heart
I’m currently a 25-year-old married woman and mother of one. This morning my son woke up at 5:45, but was scared to enter the hallway because the hall night-light was broken. He crawled…
Opportunity knocks. Will you let me in?
Opportunity knocks at my door this morning. Will you let me in? What will you do with me? When my car won’t start for the second morning in a row…when I have to…
- Family, Finding "Home" in 2013, Messy Faith, Military and Veteran Life, Personal and Spiritual Ramblings
Home {one word for 2013}
I’ve had my “dreams and goals for 2013” post on my “blog posts to do” list for several months now. But when I sat down to start writing it a few weeks ago,…
How I’ve grown and changed in 2012 {Top 12 posts of 2012}
2012 What a year! That’s the only way I can think to start this post. I had no idea what I was getting into at the beginning of last year. All I knew…
Where “mommy blogging” meets missions in Panama
I was a young girl with big dreams. In my pre-teen years I had dreams of being a missionary in Kenya, Africa. I even had an African missions themed 14th birthday party, complete…
When “choosing joy” becomes selfishness
This Christmas season started off rough…Thanksgiving was simple but stressful, leaving me wonder how I was going to make it through the holiday season. I found myself decorating my Christmas tree in tears,…
Celebrating the birth of Christ this year has been not only a natural response, but the ONLY response I possibly could have to God after all He’s done for me this year.
How Christmas has changed for me
This is the seventh year that I am celebrating Christmas after NOT celebrating at all for four years. And this year, I celebrate the birth of Christ with all of my heart.
“Breath of Heaven hold me together…” – a Christmas prayer for the weary
I wasn’t planning on blogging today. But after an exhausting day working on Christmas projects together, I found myself sitting down to write. Russ had just taken our two year old son away…to…