Pregnancy & Birth
Preparing for VBAC: Letting go in the 3rd trimester
I knew going into this pregnancy that one big thing I wanted to be different between this pregnancy and my first pregnancy was that I wanted the third trimester to be much more relaxing. With…
Facing your fears: planning for cesarean when you are preparing for VBAC
July 22, 2015 I’m 35 weeks pregnant today. Last night, we attended the 2nd week of our two-week “childbirth refresher” course at the hospital where we will be having Little Brother. Another mom…
Preparing for VBAC: Processing your birth fears
A lot of the work of birthing can be done during pregnancy – especially the emotional work. Take the time to consider your fears or anxiety about birth and work through those. This…
Pregnancy Art Therapy Project: Birth Affirmation Pillowcases for Labor
When I was pregnant with my second child and planning a TOLAC, I had a lunch meeting with my birth doula and her backup doula. The three of us met for lunch and…
Pregnancy Art Therapy Project: Affirmations Coloring Pages
When I was pregnant with Ezra, I bought two adult coloring books (of butterflies and flowers) to color in the last few weeks of his pregnancy. They sat, unused, for nearly 4 years…
Relaxation apps and CDs to relax during pregnancy and prepare for birth
Deep breathing and relaxation are very important skills to cultivate for life in general, but doubly so when preparing for birth. My first therapist, a LCSW, introduced me to guided imagery relaxation techniques…
Being proactive in pregnancy (without being obsessive)
If you have followed my blog over the years, you know that I struggle with perfectionism, longing for control, obsessive thinking, and trying too hard. I’m a proactive doer. Type A, if you…
Fighting discouragement in pregnancy
As I write this I am one day short of 23 weeks pregnant. Over the past three weeks I’ve felt very discouraged. I’m already dealing with so many pregnancy nuisances – heartburn, rib…
Finding emotional healing from my primary c-section
Written on April 30, 2015 23 Weeks, 1 day Last week I realized that I didn’t remember what the pain felt like. I know it was bad and there was screaming, but it’s…
Going Local: VBAC-friendly birth resources for Triad, NC Moms
When I moved to NC in 2013, one of the first things I did (before we even moved) was start Googling to try to find resources to prepare for a VBAC in preparation for…